Losing Their Humanity
In a graceless display of callousness and pettiness, the Democrat attendees at Tuesday night’s State Of The Union Address, shamed themselves and disgusted our nation.
Even before Trump got into the substance of his address, Congressman Al Green (D-TX) began shouting and behaving so badly that he had to be escorted from the chamber like a petulant child. During the address, the remaining members of the Democrat Party sat stone faced and cadaveric through the entire speech. I’ve seen more signs of life among the terra-cotta warrior statues buried in Xi’An China. The Democrats embarrassed themselves repeatedly through out the address by holding up “bubble signs” with pithy slogans like “FALSE” and “LIER” and such. As if the truth or falsity of Trump’s statements could be simply adjudicated in that manner. No one was swayed.
But what really shocked and nauseated our nation was that the Democrats, in lock step, refused to show support for numerous individuals that were chosen to be honored for their service to America, their bravery, or their relationship to victims of the terrible Biden “open door policies,” victims of Islamic terror and a victim “detained” by Russia. But what was most depraved, is their refusal to stand, clap and show support for a brave and patriotic 13 year old survivor of brain cancer who was made an honorary secret service agent. It looks like I need to point out what should be obvious: brain cancer has NO politics and the miraculous survival (after multiple multiple surgeries) of this brave young man is absolutely non partisan. His dream was to be a police officer. Such courage and patriotic aspirations are things EVERY American SHOULD be proud of and support. It would appear that the Democrats have become soul less automatons that have lost their HUMANITY. And their loathsome Democrat party now stands bereft of vigor and even relevance. Good riddance.