Transparency Versus Fear Mongering March 6, 2025/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

By Guest Writer Little Sister

President Donald Trump hasn’t been in office for a full two months, but, according to some, “all HELL is breaking loose”. On November 5, 2024 Trump won the popular vote, the electoral college and, in essence, a strong MANDATE from the American people. Americans wanted serious change in direction. We need to cut waste and fraud to save our country. We are thirty six TRILLION dollars in debt and are adding two TRILLION dollars every year. This is UNSUSTAINABLE! This is why some say that we need a “chainsaw instead of a scalpel.”

The most important item on Trump’s agenda was to seal the border, which  he has done. Next up was to deport dangerous illegal migrants, and gang members, who are the worst of the worst  and who have raped children and murdered multiple people. Their deportation IS under way despite obstruction by sanctuary states and cities who refuse to cooperate with the orders of a lawfully elected President and the will of the American people. Recently, the city of Boston has actually released nine CHILD RAPISTS back into the community rather than hold them for ICE. CHILD RAPISTS! Such cities and states are obviously no longer protecting their citizens.

Now some say that President Trump’s first two months have been like drinking from a fire hose in terms of the sheer number of Executive Orders, wars to stop, countries to save and all of this moving at the “speed of Trump.” If  voters wanted transparency, they GOT it. Perhaps even a bit too much. President Trump basically thinks out loud. He seems to have no “filter” between his brain and his mouth! He has certainly been open about everything he does. In fact, his first cabinet meeting was open to the press and televised for all of America to see. This may be the most transparent presidency in American history. 

Next on Trump’s agenda is to trim the bloated bureaucracy. The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) run by Elon Musk was tasked with the goal of cutting waste and fraud in our government. This was one of the issues that Trump was elected to fix. In his first week Trump’s delegate, Elon Musk, picked up rocks in the deep state swamp and found a particularly juicy can of worms in the fraudulent and hyper partisans USAID (an acronym for US Agency for International Development). Now, this agency has had many and various purposes over the years. Currently it is supposed to provide vaccines to save babies in Africa, but that item accounts for less than ten percent of its budget. Most of the budget goes for salaries. It turns out that millions have gone for DEI programs across the world. Some of this appears to be outright fraud and potential money laundering. We are talking about “trans” operas for Ireland, Sesame Street for Iraqis, sex change surgery for Guatemalans and more. The list is endless. Regrettably, we appear to have partially funded the Wuhan virology lab in China (and you know how that turned out). And, incredibly, some of the USAID  money had found its way to terrorist HAMAS! And, USAID is but ONE agency among hundreds. Just the first “rock” under which Musk has looked. Undoubtably there will be more unnecessary programs, more unnecessary government employees, more fraud and abuse to be found.

Now, although Elon Musk is repeatedly criticized as autocratic by the Democrats, it must be pointed out that FEW people are more transparent than he. He doesn’t need our money. He doesn’t want your social security check. Like Trump, Musk has built incredibly successful companies and is in need of no additional cash. He has a team of young software engineers who use AI algorithms to go line by line through the budgets of many agencies to find fraud and waste. Thus far, he has uncovered at least sixty billion dollars of waste, and the totals increase daily. Unsurprisingly, there is “push back” from the left in the form of law suits from just about everyone including federal government employees, blue states governors and all manner of left wing democrats. Now, because Musk is transparent to a fault, he freely admits making mistakes in his enthusiasm to implement the President’s orders, but he vows to fix them quickly. He is not embarrassed to walk back ideas or change his cuts when necessary. 

If “transparency” is the modus operandi of the Republicans, FEAR MONGERING  seems to be the purview of the Democrats. This Democrat party has never REALY conceded the November 5, 2024 election despite it being a landslide. They claim that Trump FOOLED the American voters, who, in the learned opinion of these geniuses, have LOST THEIR MINDS. But, even worse, the Democrats appear to NOT WANT America to succeed, if that means that Donald Trump has succeeded as well. So their “game plan” is ONLY to resist and obstruct the will of the people at every turn. This ranges from refusal to help ICE deport criminal illegal migrants to incessant lawsuits against the Trump administration (DOJ, ICE, DOGE, etc.). And, they are not above calling on friendly leftist judges to do their bidding.

Once again we hear how the President is a fascist and a dictator. Didn’t they try that strategy in 2024, to no avail? The American people saw through this hyperbole and fear mongering. Still the Democrats are taking to the streets shouting, chanting and singing off key. They still have no platform except to double down on failed policies of the Biden administration, and espouse hatred of Trump and his cabinet. It remains, apparently, their sole  reason for existence.

America wants a change in the direction of the country. This is NOT FASCISM or the DESTRUCTION OF DEMOCRACY. This is a system of two party democracy in action. The only fascists to be found are IN the Democratic Party itself!  The democrats should stop their whining and fear mongering and get behind President Trump and his team to make America great again. And, whether the Democrats like it or not, the political corrections are already underway. Trump has stopped their censorship. He had stoped their weaponization of the DOJ. He’s cleaned house at the FBI, firing over fifty of the agents that gave false testimony regarding the Hunter Biden laptop. He’s engendered significant changes at the previously woke Disney Company as well as significant portions of corporate America. He’s deconstructed DEI. He’s prompted the media begin to rearrange its programming (Obnoxious Jim Acosta is out. Nasty Joy Reed [with a humongous “‘tude”] is out.). He’s had the LA Times “adjust” their editorial policy. He’s removed some of the woke judges. He’s fired the woke General Mark Milley. And, although the Democrat fear mongering is likely to continue, few people care what they have to say anymore. Amen to that.

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