Welcome To The Revolution, Part One: Tantrums

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ February 9, 2025/ Uncategorized

We new this was coming. We expected it. Tears of anguish. Howls of indignation. Tantrums of rage. Sermons from the pulpit. Screeds from the media. “Resistance” from the Democrat establishment. Plots from the deep state. Yes. We knew it. As President Trump initiated the promised deportation/repatriation of illegal migrants we knew there would be push back. We also knew that there would be massive pushback as Trump, and his avatar, Elon Musk, would, at the request of the American people, take a meat clever to the bloated federal government, especially its profligate spending. We also knew that special interests in our government would try to hold on mightily to the status quo. And, indeed it has all come to pass. But the sheer intensity of the Democrat histrionics is still rather shocking. The usual suspects, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilan Omar, Corey Booker, and others, have thrown themselves relentlessly in front of the media cameras, exclaiming that (borrowing a meme from Trump) that they will “fight, fight, fight” and that they have “declared war,” and, according to House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries, will “take the fight to ‘the streets’” (Sounds like ‘insurrection,’ doesn’t it?). The videos of these posers SHOULD embarrass them, but it doesn’t seem that they are self aware enough to see how out of touch they really look.

Now, you would THINK that budget cost cutting would be a bipartisan issue, with both the Republicans and Democrats wanting to lower taxes for their constituents. But…. NO! It’s, apparently, NOT bipartisan. The Democrats, once again, having no respect for the voters that sent them to Washington (how DO these people get elected?) are fighting tooth and nail to keep bloated agencies like USAID in the black. Now, there are only two explanations for such behavior. First is, that they want the USA to continue to foment “woke” agendas world wide in more traditional societies that have neither asked for, nor want, this meddling. And that’s the “GOOD” reason! The “bad” reason is that USAID is a money laundering operation used to funnel enormous amounts of cash to their apparatchiks. This includes 260 MILLION dollars to George Soros! (As if he needs the money!). The extreme stridency of the Democrat “push back” on this issue suggests that money laundering is a big part of the reason. Go Elon Musk! Go Pam Bondi! GET these scoundrels!

Now, one hears claims by the Democrats, leftists and so called “progressives” that President Trump didn’t “really” have a mandate. The irony here, is that part of their argument seems to concede that the Biden/Harris/Waltz candidacy was SO bad, that IT was the primary reason for the Trump victory! (Shouldn’t they be EMBARRASSED to admit that?) That’s their claim! However, if winning the popular vote (by 2,284,000 votes), the electoral college (312 to 226) and ALL the swing states, isn’t a true mandate, then I don’t know what is. And this is especially true because, throughout the campaign, Trump made his position on all these issues VERY clear, so voters knew precisely what they were voting for, and then went on to elect him in by a landslide. Now THAT’S a mandate.

Then, in case aiming the “wrath of Democrats” at Trump isn’t strong enough for their liking, they also claim that they have nothing less than the “WRATH OF GOD!” on their side as well! At the so called “Unity Mass” in our National Cathedral, the “Right Reverend” (or should I say, the “Left Reverend”) Mariann Edgar Budde, in sanctimonious tones, launched a thinly veiled verbal assault directly at our President, who, with his wife and family were in attendance, and thus captives  to her diatribe. In her hyperbolic “sermon,” dripping with false piety, she asked the God of heavenly hosts to protect gays, illegals and “TRANSGENDER CHILDREN!” She stopped just short of asking our creator to SMITE Mr. Trump with a bolt of lightning from the heavens (although it appears that that’s what she really wanted).

And, regarding protecting “transgender children” a number of commentators have rightly pointed out that there is no such thing. Children, at early ages, have not formed their sexual identity yet, and, as a consequence are NOT “trans,” “cis” ANYTHING.

Further, one wonders if Bishop Budde would deliver the same scathing sermon to the parents of Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungary or many of the others young innocent women victims of horrible immigrant crime.

One of the things that Reverend Budde stressed repeatedly in her “sermon” is that illegals were afraid. Now, I do think that, in this respect, Budde  is correct. Many illegals ARE afraid. And, for the violent criminals among them, RIGHTLY SO! BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. We’re coming for you. We’ll find you. We’ll GET you. You’ll end your days in GITMO, a South American hell hole, or worse. (Karma sucks, doesn’t it?) 

Now, it is true that some of the better migrants (even those here illegally) are hardworking, productive, tax paying individuals that are in our country to make a better life for themselves and their families. And it is true that many of these migrants are afraid as well. But who is responsible for their fear? I posit that it is the Harris/Biden administration that is the real culprit for admitting vast numbers of unvetted migrants which included thieves, violent criminals, rapists and murderers. This horde of criminals inevitably casts aspersions on ALL migrants, even the well meaning ones, such that many are justifiably suspected to be criminals, thereby necessitating the need for the mass deportation/repatriation process that is now underway. The architects of the Biden/Harris invasion are the real culprits, Reverend Budde, not the responsible officials who have now been tasked with cleaning up the mess.

And, by American law, all organizations that have tax exempt status (like Budde’s Protestant Church) are required to be, formally, apolitical. Budde’s “sermon” was bold facedly political and partisan in nature. As a consequence her Church should immediately have its tax exempt status revoked. Let’s see if the reverend is still so sanctimonious then.

Aside from diatribes from the clergy and media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry have also chimed in. One of the more amusing videos that went viral is pop singer Selena Gomez reacting to deportation. The video shows a teary eyes Gomez crying crocodile tears for the gross injustice of arresting and deporting dangerous CRIMINALS. By the way, Gomez’s video has since been taken down, probably when she was informed that the vast majority of viewers were LAUGHING at it! 

More tantrums will be discussed in Part Two.

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