The American Dream December 14, 2024/ Uncategorized

By Guest Writer Little Sister

America has lost at least one generation of our youth to the vile rhetoric of the  progressive wing of the Democrat party. As a consequence, many of our children know little or nothing about our country or its history. The “woke” branch of the Democrat Party has seen to that. Leftist teachers and professors have failed to teach our true history. (My daughter, attending one of our nation’s most respected secondary schools, DID NOT HAVE A COURSE IN AMERICAN HISTORY!). They have changed that history to suit their woke agenda. Using censorship, cancel culture and just plain lies, they’ve done all that they could to try to destroy and crush the American dream. Google AI defines the “America dream” as the idea that “all citizens of the United States have the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. It’s rooted in American ideals of democracy, equality, rights, liberty, and opportunity.”  The future the left proposes, however, is grim at best. But now, with the election of Donald J. Trump and the resurgence of the Republican Party, we have been given a second chance to take back our country. The American people have exercised their constitutional rights and fought back against the would be tyranny of the left.

Contrary to current teaching, the United States was not founded in order to carry on slavery.  The New World was settled in the 1600’s largely by people looking for religious freedom and new opportunity. Right from the very beginning, as stated in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Note the term “ALL.”

The new country our founders envisioned was, of course, the United States of America, and the union was ratified in 1789 along with the Bill of Rights. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to petition the government and the right to peaceably assemble were guaranteed.

But what about slavery? Yes, America did have slaves and did employ slave labor. In 1619, a ship carrying twenty slaves arrived in Jamestown Virginia, making it the first introduction of exogenous slaves into North America (south America and pre-Columbian North America had a long history of slavery in every one of it’s indigenous cultures). But remember, at that time in history, slavery was LEGAL throughout the ENTIRE world. And, never forget that America was the THIRD country in the world to abolish slavery, behind only England and France. (The LAST nation to abolish slavery, by the way, was the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN). Our early abolition of slavery in 1863 is something of which we should ALL be proud.

Over the next hundred years people from many countries flocked here for opportunities they did not have in  their home countries. They came to stake their own claim to the American Dream. Many immigrants came through Ellis Island. All were willing to work hard to achieve success and to achieve a better life for their children. The people who arrived in this country were grateful to be here. They were proud to  be American. None wanted to denigrate, besmirch or tear down our great nation. My how things have changed! We might ask: what ever HAPPENED to this pride in America? As our country became more “woke”, it became acceptable, it seems, to disparage and even hate our country. The leftist extremists have used identity politics to divide our people. But worst of all, is how the so called woke “elite” have weaponized the Department of Justice and the FBI to become tools of the Democrats. Only in third world Banana Republics or under the brutal regimes of dictators has such weaponization ever taken place. One would NEVER have expected to see it the United States.

But now we have a chance to bring back the American Dream for ourselves and our children. On November 5, 2024, America has spoken. Like the original “melting pot,” people from different walks of life have come together to make America great again. The American people have had enough of open borders, coddling criminals, giving illegal immigrants a free ride, and allowing biological men to play women’s sports. We have come together in this country for America to once again take a leadership role on the world stage. So, fellow citizens, especially our youth, go ahead and dream. Dream big. Be prepared to work hard. But if you do, the American Dream  can still be yours!

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