Election 2024 Post Mortem, Part Three

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ December 5, 2024/ Uncategorized


Now, having discussed some of the complexities of the 2024 election in Parts 1 & 2, I feel that something very SIMPLE must not be lost sight of: the Biden/Harris/Walz candidacy is the most PREPOSTEROUS political ticket I’ve seen in MY ENTIRE LIFETIME. Even more, the Biden/Harris/Walz ticket is the single most preposterous THING I’ve seen in MY ENTIRE LIFETIME. And the fact that this this obvious truth was verboten and not uttered by ANYONE in the media during this election cycle is even MORE PREPOSTEROUS STILL!


Now, in order to press on with this ridiculous candidacy, the Democrat Party and their hyper partisan media mouthpieces tried EVERYTHING. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

First, they orchestrated a seeming outburst of adulation that followed her nomination. (In truth, initially, she DID seem to be an improvement over the doddering and clearly senile Joe Biden, although that bar was, unquestionably, VERY low). The adulation went on for several weeks. However, this strategy soon lost steam as voters eventually began to sense the presence of a “vacuum.” The obvious question that couldn’t be ignored: why, exactly, did she DESERVE all this adulation? Sensing that “inquiring minds want to know,” the Democrats realized that they had to come up with SOMETHING to answer that question. Trouble was… there was NOTHING they could say that would do it! NOTHING! There, literally was NO cogent reason that she should be lionized. So, the next strategy was to HIDE her! That was it! “HIDE a candidate for the presidency? Isn’t that CRAZY?” you might ask. “Well, it worked with Biden in 2020, didn’t it?” they would say. “We’ll try it again!” Accordingly, Kamala went weeks without participating in a single debate and, further, without doing  even a single interview! This “crypto strategy” worked for a while, but, needless to say, the 2024 campaign wasn’t the campaign of 2020 with the COVID  pandemic in full swing justifying the candidacy of someone hiding in his basement. America, this time around, seemed to realize that, perhaps, a candidate for the presidency SHOULD be more visible, thereby allowing, at least, some degree of vetting. As a consequence, internal polling began to raise concern at the DNC. So, in response, Harris did a series of “softball” interviews (Oprah, The View, etc.) in which she convinced NO ONE of her competency. And, although the press ballyhooed her performance in the extremely partisan and unfair debate with Trump, the proceedings were so one sided that, in the end, once more, no one was convinced.

As September melted into October, the DNC’s own polling reportedly looked so bad, that the Democrats became desperate. This is when they circled their wagons and brought out “big guns.” Barack Obama was featured. Unfortunately, he looked so tired and dispirited, he couldn’t really rally the troops. Biden was sent into seclusion (every time he opened his mouth he did more harm than good). Celebrities were then brought in en masse (see Part Two for a partial list). Next, the DNC aired ridiculous commercials like “Dudes for Kamala,” with muscular “real man” types, doing “real man stuff” like working out or working heavy machinery, while, at the same time professing “manly” enthusiasm for Ms. Harris. This attempt at persuasion ended up being unintentionally hilarious. The “Dudes for Harris” resonated with exactly NO one, including the “dudes” they were trying to reach. Next, the campaign even tried resurrecting embarrassing RINOs like Liz Chaney who, apparently, then prevailed upon her father, former REPUBLICAN Vice President Dick Chaney to, supposedly, lend support for Harris (the irony of seeking approval from a man that the Democrats had previously demonized as Satan during his tenure as vice president, was, apparently, lost on them). And, last but not least, the Hollywood glitterati showed rabid support. Many of them “threatened” to LEAVE the United States if Trump were elected. Guess what?  Nobody cared! Nobody! Buh bye! 


So, in the end, ALL the Democrats had to go with were only three things:

1: Vilifying Trump as Hitler, Stalin and Beelzebub rolled into one. BEWARE AMERICA: He’ll come to devour your children at night!

2: Claiming that Trump would be a “danger to Democracy!” This claim was all the more ironic because, in essence, they were accusing Trump of wanting to do all the things (censoring opposing viewpoints, arresting opponents, obstructing proof of citizenship of voters, etc.) that THEY HAD, in fact, BEEN DOING for the last 4 years! 

3: Touting the “glories” of abortion! At ANY fetal age (including at THE MOMENT OF BIRTH, i.e. clear cut infanticide), for ANY reason, with no parental consent in the case of teenagers, and without any moral considerations what-so-ever.

That, ladies and gentlemen, was IT. All she wrote. Finis…. But, in the end, these three things were not enough. Not enough by a long shot.

I’ll conclude this series with one more essay which follows.

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