Making The Impossible A Reality October 28, 2024/ Uncategorized

In a way, we shouldn’t be surprised. During his first four years in the White House, President Trump has made the impossible a reality at least once before. Bringing Israel, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan to peace agreements (The Abraham Accords) would have been thought to be ABSOLUTELY impossible in days gone by. Yet President Trump and his very hardworking son-in-law/ambassador Jerad Kushner, made it a reality. So perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he’s doing it again.

Before President Trump’s 2024 candidacy it would have been considered impossible to find endorsements of a Republican candidate from Muslim Imams. Yet, yesterday, that is exactly what happened. And it was in Michigan, no less. Don’t believe me? Click on the following link for a very exciting video:

Before Mr. Trump’s 2024 candidacy, it would have been considered impossible for ANY Republican candidate to dissuade very left of center newspapers like the Washington Post and the LA Times from their customary “rubber stamp” endorsement of the Democrat candidate. Yet, yesterday, that is exactly what happened. Don’t believe me? Click on the following link:

Before President Trump’s 2024 candidacy, it would have been considered impossible for ANY Republican candidate to have dissuaded the Teamsters from their customary “rubber stamp” endorsement of the Democrat candidate. Yet again, that’s what happened during the Republican National Convention in July.

Indeed, President Trump can make the impossible come true. This year, with  two assassination attempts, numerous false indictments and wrongful civil suits, near universal condemnation from the hyper partisan media, and, literally a BILLION dollars in attack advertising spent to denigrate and defame him, one might be inclined to think that a 2024 victory would be impossible as well. But, then again, as I’ve shown above, President Trump has the ability to MAKE the impossible a REALITY. Watch him do it again!

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