The Real Threat To Democracy October 14, 2024/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

The Real Threat To Democracy

By guest writer Little Sister

We constantly hear that former President Donald Trump is an “existential threat” to our democracy, and that he is the most dangerous person in history, etc. He has been compared to Adolf Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan. He has been called a racist a sexist and a dictator despite the fact that while he was President for four years he was none of these things. And, our democracy, amazingly, is still in one piece.

No, the real threat is the rise of the far left Democrat “woke” progressives who want to control everything we say, think and believe. They have pressured social media platforms to take down conservative posts and cancel the accounts of anyone that doesn’t tow the party line. As they say, this is not your father’s Democrat party. Dear old dad wouldn’t even recognize it. They have lied about everything from the Trump Campaign’s supposed collusion with the Russians (proven not to exist) to Hunter Biden’s laptop (proven to exist). Even worse, the left leaning news media has covered up for them.

And, unchecked by a fair and unbiased “watchdog” media, the left has relentlessly come after Donald Trump, the Make America Great Again movement, conservative media, and, now, they are coming after the FIRST AMENDMENT of the Bill of Rights. As we were taught in school, the first amendment is the very bedrock of our democracy. Our constitution was adopted in 1788-1789 along with the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights. It is the first amendment that gives us the rights that our founding fathers felt were so important that they put them FIRST among all others. They  set them up as the basis for our novel form of government.

The first amendment reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It is these few sentences that make the United States what it is and has been for almost 250 years. Nonetheless, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz has recently started that there is “no guarantee of first amendment rights.” When asked by a journalist “who decides what’s guaranteed and what’s not?” He answered that it “should be obvious.” Meaning, of course, that it is “obvious to me.” 

Along similar lines, former presidential candidate John Kerry stated recently, in a world forum, that climate change legislation was “HINDERED by the first amendment.” The implication is that our nation would be better off  “if ONLY we could get rid of that ‘pesky’ first amendment.“ And, this all the more concerning because the “progressive” democrats are labeling anything they disagree with as misinformation or disinformation, or even “hate speech.” But, as Elon Musk so aptly observed: “They don’t want to ban hate speech; they want to ban speech they hate.”

Forgotten, apparently, by the Democrats is that it is our RIGHT to say what we believe. It is our RIGHT to discuss and debate the issues of the day. Some might even say that it is our DUTY to do so. Our founding fathers felt that free speech is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY to keep our democracy alive and vibrant. Without free speech, they believed, our nation would inexorably morph into a single party nation, and, soon thereafter, a  totalitarian state. 

And such a progression threatens our democracy even today. Although it’s unlikely that elections will be abolished completely, that doesn’t mean that the government will not be totalitarian. Remember, Iran HAS “ELECTIONS!” Russia HAS “ELECTIONS!” China HAS “ELECTIONS!” And, “elections” or not, few would call these dictatorships democracies.

As Benjamin Franklin succinctly put it: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

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