The Chickens Are Coming Home August 31, 2024/ Uncategorized

By Guest Writer Little Sister

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman…No!… It’s Kamala Harris‘s “chickens” coming home to roost. These “chickens” are alien criminals resulting from the open border policy of the Biden-Harris administration who have been in office for nearly four years, during which time the open border resulted in at least 10 million illegal aliens entering this country. It may be MORE than that, but no one really knows! Many of them were released from Venezuela prisons and some were notorious gang members convicted of murder and rape. These people are now in the United States and we don’t know where they are or even who they are.

This morning, before my coffee, I watched a very chilling video which showed a group of men armed with assault rifles, breaking into an apartment in Aurora, Colorado. The reader can view the video via the following link:,vid:l53jNhwrd_U,st:0

As explained in the video, these invaders belong to a notorious Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, and have been taking over apartment buildings in Aurora. And once they’ve taken over the buildings they then begin extorting or evicting the residents. They now control several apartment buildings. As everyone knows, Colorado is not a border state, and these criminals had to travel hundreds of miles to to get to Aurora, and there’s nothing to stop them from moving on to a city near you. In essence they are taking over our country. 

Why Aurora you ask?  The answer is clear: Aurora is next to Denver, a sanctuary city. Now, even though the term “sanctuary city” SOUNDS noble, we must ask: what about their victims?

What about the honest hardworking families that now are being extorted for what ever “rent” these criminals are demanding.

Also, yesterday a group of 20 illegal aliens attempted to board a school bus carrying children in California. It was only the bravery of the children’s parents that prevented them from boarding the bus. This could have been a kidnapping or hostage situation and the lives of the children were clearly at risk. And this incident is not alone. During the last 24 hours there have been three similar incidents documented in the media, and possibly more that we’ve yet to hear about. I never thought I would see this happening in America. 

So this is the result of an open border policy, which Biden and Harris could have stopped at any point during their past term. Instead, they spent all of their time ignoring the problem and going after former President Donald Trump. 

In the past Harris mocked Trump’s border wall as a “medieval VANITY PROJECT” and a waste of money. But, Ms. Harris, we must remember that safety and security is WHY medieval cities HAVE walls. The first duty of a government, be it medieval or contemporary,  is to protect its citizens. Biden and Harris did NOT do this, and have been DERELICT in their duty.

Meanwhile, we have a serious and dangerous situation going on in this country right now. We have violent terrorist gangs attempting to carve up our nation in order to extort its citizens. America needs aggressive law enforcement, tough prosecutors and the will to incarcerate and/or deport all of these malefactors. We must put an END to all of America’s “sanctuary cities,” abolish the very concept of a “sanctuary city” and insist the all cities, states and all of America abide by the federal laws that protect the good citizens of our country. And we NEED A BORDER WALL TO KEEP MORE CRIMINALS FROM COMING IN.  America deserves nothing less. As Candidates Trump & Vance pledge, we need to make America safe again.

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