What Is She Hiding?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ August 30, 2024/ Uncategorized

I pretty much hate writing about Kamala Harris. Why? Well, anytime some one writes about her, it reinforces the idea that we take he seriously. This pretend presidential candidate is, as any non Democrat knows, and, as Tulsi Gabbard has recently said, is “unfit to be Commander and Chief.” OBVIOUSLY unfit. Yet, here I am wasting words on the “hollow” vessel that is Ms. Kamala Harris.

Amazingly, as she saunters around, simpering, giggling, laughing and cackling, we must never forget that, as unfit as she is, she is, amazingly, one of only two candidates running for the leadership of the United States of America, and, unavoidably, the free world.

In high school, we would have called Ms. Harris… a “ditz!” That’s right, a “ditz.” And, going back to our younger years, we might expect a “ditz” to be leader of the cheerleading squad, or, perhaps, even prom Queen. NOT President of the United States, for goodness sake.

Now, it’s well known that Ms. Harris is very bad at unscripted discourse. Despite being the candidate for over a month since Biden was forced out on July 21, she’s not DONE EVEN ONE INTERVIEW. I understand that an interview is finally coming this night. Apparently she will have Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, to help her with the tough questions (on CNN, there really WON’T be any). And, FINALLY, she one (JUST one) debate scheduled, but she will has been dodging the event (with changing rules and conditions) like the plague. Can’t this woman think ON HER FEET?

After writing the above, I tuned into part of Harris’ long awaited interview. I was amazed that her first two answers were WRONG. When asked about “flip flopping” she claimed that she did NOT “flip flop” because her values haven’t changed. This of course is hogwash because she HAS changed her position 180 degrees on fracking, the border wall, and defunding the police. Instead of saying that her current policy positions are the result of extensive experience in the Biden administration, she tried to suggest that she really HASN’T changed. Next she was asked about recent accusations that Donald Trump has leveled against her, but, instead of addressing and REFUTING those accusations all she had to say was “Same Old Donald.” “Same Old Donald!” That’s it?… Apparently so. And, one gets the impression that she isn’t even aware that these answers were wrong and WHY they were wrong.

Now, many commentators have suggested that Harris has been avoiding interviews and debates because she is trying to hide her radical policy plans, which, even the Democrats are aware are not palatable to the majority of Americans. There’s no question that such a theory is true, at least to an extent. But, I believe there’s more to it. I believe that the main thing Harris is hiding is… her stupidity. It’s that simple. This woman is stupid. Am I being churlish and overly harsh? Not really. Keep in mind that this contender for the Presidency of the United States FAILED HER BAR EXAM on the first try. That’s not usually mentioned in her “illustrious” résumé. How, you ask, is it possible that the current Vice President AND Candidate for the Presidency of the greatest nation on earth, is…. STUPID? The answer is that Harris is a product (THE product, I might add) of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.) movement that has eroded one of the absolute keys to America’s greatness: meritocracy. Does ANYONE think that if she were truly white that she would be where she is now? ANYONE? I thought not. Only in the realm of woke politics could this vacuous woman have risen to the heights that she has. BUT, ladies and gentlemen, be that as it may, come November we MUST insure that her unlikely rise to the top GOES NO FURTHER!

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