Quick Impressions Of The DNC Night One

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ August 20, 2024/ Uncategorized

The conventioneers did their best to put on “happy faces” but the show of enthusiasm still seemed a bit hollow at times.

They did manage to get through a full night of the convention without devoting so much as 5 minutes to any type of policy presentation or discussion. I expect that to continue.

Biden’s “swan song” was, as expected, self serving and duplicitous. Again and again he accused Donald Trump of doing many of the things that he himself and his Democrat accomplices have actually been doing themselves over the past 3 and a half years. They carried on like they were CHALLENGERS RATHER THAN INCUMBENTS! They complained about price inflation, a struggling economy, runaway immigration and totalitarian aggression abroad – ALL of which happened ON THEIR WATCH. THEY WERE THE ONES IN CHARGE. Duhh!

Ocasio-Cortez spoke with almost Demonic intensity. “Devil in a tight skirt?”

Outside of the convention hall itself it was basically a freak show. Large INFLATABLE IUD’s were featured. People were dressed up AS ABORTION PILLS! Vans were offering free “spur of the moment vasectomies!” (Ouch!) Vans were also offering free “spur of the moment ABORTIONS!” (Has the creation of human life become so denigrated in the public consciousness that we are now so CASUAL about it’s destruction? Although various forms of abortion have a long history, I don’t think abortion has EVER before been CELEBRATED as such, except, perhaps, in witch’s covens).

Although the DNC avoided any discussion of the crimes against humanity carried out by Hamas, a number of the speakers did say that the pro Hamas demonstrators “HAD A POINT.”… “HAD A PONT?”… Yep, they “HAD A POINT!” alright.

Finally, a pumped up Biden (stimulants?) did manage to read his teleprompters most (but not all) of the time. And, after an exaggerated show of gratitude by the conventioneers, Biden was whisked away to the airport, getting him as far away from the convention as possible. So there.

I think that Karl Rove said it best when he said: “There was a palpable sense of RELIEF in the convention.” RELIEF?.. Yes, relief that the party no longer had to cover for a demented has been that damaged our country (and the world) badly. But, is that “sense of relief” enough to resurrect a party that is responsible for horrible domestic policies and catastrophic foriegn ones as well ? I guess we’ll see.

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