Sex With The Dead August 19, 2024/ Uncategorized

Among the many bizarre and disgusting Muslim practices (female genital mutilation, child marriage, wife beating, killing dogs, and many others) deemed halal (permitted) in Islam is the ghoulish practice of… sex with the dead…. Yes, you read that right: sex with the dead. As hard as it is to believe, there are ample attestations to the place of necrophilia in Islamic custom AND teaching.

Like many of the weird practices of observant Muslims, the origin of this shocking activity can be traced to that “most perfect” exemplar of righteous human conduct… the Rasool’ Allah (Prophet of Allah) himself, Muhammad, (PBUH).

As attested to in the Sunni Hadith, Kanz al-‘Ommal in Sunan al Aqwal wa al-Af’al, vol. 16, p. 158: “The prophet of Allah took off his gown and put it on Om Ali and slept with her in her grave and they kicked dirt on him, saying: ‘Oh messenger of Allah, we saw you do something no one else has ever done.’ He said: ‘I dressed her in my gown, so she can wear the gowns of paradise and I slept with her in her grave to relieve her of the torments of the grave.’” Well, OK then! As long as his intentions were good!

And what does Islamic jurisprudence have to say about this?: As attested to by Abd Al-Hameed Al-Sharawani, Howashi al-Sharwani: (Al-Qubra, Egypt: Al-Maktabah Al-Tojariah, 1983, vol. 1, p. 263: “There is no need to rewash a dead woman if her husband has sex with her after she dies….And there is no punishment for anyone who has sex with a dead woman or limits sex to sex with a dead woman.”

Further attested to by Mohammad Al-Sherbini Al-Khateeb, Al-Iqna3 fi Hal al-Faz: Abu Shoja’a (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1994, vol. 2, p. 521): “There is no restriction against sex with a dead woman or an animal.”

And in the most authentic of the Hadith traditions, that of Al-Bukhari: “Anas said: ‘I was present when the daughter of God’s messenger was being buried. He was sitting beside the grave and I saw his eyes shedding tears. He then asked, “Is there any of you who did not have sexual intercourse last night?” Abu Talha replied that he had not, so he told him to go down into her grave, and he did so.”

And, dear reader, if you think all this grotesquery is ancient history, think again. During the brief “flowering” of the “Arab Spring” in Egypt, under the Muslim Brotherhood administration of President Mohammed Morsi (before he was executed in a coup d’état by General al-Sisi) a bill was introduced in the Egyptian Parliament in 2011 supporting controversial Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari who ruled that husbands could sleep with their partners during a period of six hours after their passing. It is sometimes called “farewell sex.” After six hours, however, it is considered to be adultery. Well, thank goodness for that.

And, in Pakistan, as long ago as last week, a Muslim by the name of Muhammad Saleem, was caught in a grave raping a dead woman. ( According to such activity is NOT uncommon. Saleem will likely get a “slap on the wrist.” It turns out that police records show that he was found to have engaged in necrophilia at least ONCE BEFORE!

So, guys, become a Muslim and get ready for some hot necrophilia. Just don’t forget some lubricant.

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