Interesting Times August 1, 2024/ Uncategorized

There is a Chinese saying: “May you live in interesting times.” It is a curse.

And, it’s clear, ladies and gentlemen, that “interesting times” have descended upon us.

First, we are witnessing the attempted replacement of the worst president in American history by the worst vice president in American history. How this sorry state of affairs has come to pass is nearly inexplicable and I’ll leave that analysis to the pundits. But what IS clear is that, with such a poor choice of candidate, the Democrats have ONLY ONE strategy at their disposal… camouflage. The Democrats must erase not only Harris’s record… but, also her identity.

They must conceal the fact that Harris’s previous try for the presidency was a spectacular failure in the 2020 primaries. She would have descended into well deserved obscurity had Biden not picked her for vice president in an unabashed example of what used to be called “tokenism.”

They must conceal the fact that, early on, Biden assigned Harris management of the crisis at our southern border, which she promptly did absolutely NOTHING with. She was SO “missing in action” that the current Democrat media strategy has become trying to deny her involvement! Politico and other internet sources have taken pains to explain that she was never “border czar.” This denial is quite disingenuous, however, as it is merely semantic. Even though Biden did not use the term “czar” he clearly tasked her with the job. The following link will make the assignment crystal clear:

And, it’s important to remember that the border crisis is the ONLY thing that she was actually tasked with. Amazingly, after getting her “marching orders” Ms. Harris couldn’t be BOTHERED to even tour the border. Only after 6 months of Republican opprobrium, did she manage to go to El Paso, approximately 800 MILES away from the epicenter of migrant invasion which is the Valley of the Rio Grande. And, when asked about this by a reporter, she had the audacity to laugh in his face.

Next, the Democrats must conceal that she has promoted a NGO (Non Governmental Organization) that provides bail for the early release of violent felons and rapists.


They must conceal the fact that she is pushing for an 80% upper tax bracket. While that might sound like a “Robin Hood” strategy, a move like that will do only one thing: STRANGLE America’s struggling economy.

They must conceal her unbridled antisemitism and her connections to CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) a NGO that was designated, by a COURT, to be an unindicted co-conspirator with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

And, aside from her disastrous policy positions, there are personal issues as well. It has been rumored that she is no teetotaler.

The following is a video clip of her making a speech while she is obviously drunk.

Reportedly there are more. But, even when not drunk her propensity for nonsensical speech is legendary:

I’ve heard one of the Fox News Commentators remark that Harris is like the classmate in high school reading a book report to their class when it was obvious that she HADN’T READ THE BOOK!

And, it is commonly known in DC circles that Harris the ingenue “slept” her way to prominence in California via an affair with California power broker Willie Brown. He was 60, she 29. One wag dubbed her activities in California: “poontronage!”

Now, aside from the camouflaged Harris candidacy there are other “interesting” things going on. There is the distressing possibility that SOME (emphatically NOT all, and certainly NOT the agents who shielded Trump from bullets with their own bodies) of the Secret Service may have been instrumental or at least complicit in the assasination attempt on Donald Trump. This is a very complicated, and, at this stage, an unsettled topic (which I will address in a future essay). But for now, it is NON controversial that the Biden appointed head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle (an advocate of DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] AND friend of Jill Biden) did not consider the attempted Assassination of Donald Trump significant enough for her to even SHOW UP at the law enforcement press conference given in Butler, Pennsylvania on the night of the shooting. Nor did she perceive that the abject failure of the Secret Service, under her direction, to protect Mr. Trump was grounds for her resignation. Nor was she above issuing misleading and, frankly, stupid statements regarding the Secret Service failure, such as saying that they didn’t have a counter sniper posted at the assassin’s roof top location because it was a “sloped roof!”

Then, lame duck Joe Biden has just introduced legislation that would fundamentally change the Supreme Court, who’s independence has previously been understood to be a cornerstone of the “checks and balances” bulwark that has been an integral part of our successful constitutional system of government for over 200 years.

And, of course, there is the rampant defacement of Washington Monuments and buildings by out of control leftist and proHamas operatives that were, for the most part, uninterrupted and unaprehended by DC police and who often enjoy apologetics and acquiescence from Democrat party with Harris, Pelosi and Schumer being their cheerleaders. I’ve read that all of the criminals involved in the rioting and vandalism have subsequently been released. I would wager that NONE will serve time.

And, “across the pond” we see the Olympic Games opening in Paris marred by nationwide rail sabotage and roving gangs of pro Hamas thugs menacing and attacking people that look even vaguely Jewish. And to top it all off, opening ceremonies began with a blasphemous DRAG QUEEN caricature of the Last Supper!

And, in the ever turbulent mid east, Iranian proxy Hezbollah fired a rocket into Israel killing a dozen CHILDREN, and then pretends to be surprised when Israel retaliates with strikes against Hezbollah and Hamas leadership.

Yes, dear readers, these are interesting times indeed.

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