The Chickens Are Coming Home August 31, 2024/ Uncategorized

By Guest Writer Little Sister It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman…No!… It’s Kamala Harris‘s “chickens” coming home to roost. These “chickens” are alien criminals resulting from the open border policy of the Biden-Harris administration who have been in office for nearly four years, during which time the open border resulted in at least 10 million illegal aliens entering

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What Is She Hiding? August 30, 2024/ Uncategorized

I pretty much hate writing about Kamala Harris. Why? Well, anytime some one writes about her, it reinforces the idea that we take he seriously. This pretend presidential candidate is, as any non Democrat knows, and, as Tulsi Gabbard has recently said, is “unfit to be Commander and Chief.” OBVIOUSLY unfit. Yet, here I am wasting words on the “hollow”

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Another Convert August 29, 2024/ Uncategorized

Another former Democrat has abandoned the Democrat Party to endorse and join Donald Trump; Tulsi Gabbard, Congresswoman from the State of Hawaii. Her stunning speech at at the National Guard Association of the United States’ 146th General Conference, Monday, Aug. 26, 2024, in Detroit,can be viewed via the following link: Not only has Gabbard endorsed Donald Trump, but she

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Not Your Father’s Democrats August 28, 2024/ Uncategorized

On Friday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced that he was suspending his campaign for the presidency. Even more momentous was his announcement confirming the fact that he had left the Democrat Party and was enthusiastically supporting Donald Trump. His reasons for switching are my focus here. Up until last October, RFK, Jr. would have been considered a “dyed in the

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Quick Impressions Of The DNC Night One August 20, 2024/ Uncategorized

The conventioneers did their best to put on “happy faces” but the show of enthusiasm still seemed a bit hollow at times. They did manage to get through a full night of the convention without devoting so much as 5 minutes to any type of policy presentation or discussion. I expect that to continue. Biden’s “swan song” was, as expected,

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Sex With The Dead August 19, 2024/ Uncategorized

Among the many bizarre and disgusting Muslim practices (female genital mutilation, child marriage, wife beating, killing dogs, and many others) deemed halal (permitted) in Islam is the ghoulish practice of… sex with the dead…. Yes, you read that right: sex with the dead. As hard as it is to believe, there are ample attestations to the place of necrophilia in

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Calls For A Celebration! August 8, 2024/ Uncategorized

It doesn’t get better than this! The worst presidential candidate in history goes on to nominate the worst vice presidential candidate in history. As hard as it is to believe, Kamala has added Tim Walz to her ticket, bypassing Josh Shapiro and many other better choices. Associated Press commentator Doug Mills has described Walz as “ a midwestern version of

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Look Who’s A Threat To Democracy Now August 7, 2024/ Uncategorized

House of Representative member from the state of Maryland, Jamie Raskin, made the astonishing claim that IF Trump WERE elected again to the Presidency (those leftist/“progressives” are getting pretty NERVOUS, aren’t they?) that Congress should DISQUALIFY him and NOT ALLOW him to take office. Don’t believe me? Then, watch: Raskin bases his plan on Section 3 of the 14th

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Civics 101 August 6, 2024/ Uncategorized

By guest writer Little Sister We learned in Civics 101 class that there were three branches of the United States government; the executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch. The executive branch, which includes the president and his cabinet, has powers of command. The legislative branch makes the laws and finally the judicial branch (the Supreme Court) determines if any

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Why Is It? August 4, 2024/ Uncategorized

Why is it that today’s woke culture has to cause injuries and tragedies before its inane policies are recognized for what they are? 1) Why have we had to have a rash of juvenile rapes and murders by illegal aliens before our existing policy of UNVETTED immigration is recognized to be not only stupid but DANGEROUS? Some recent examples: Victor

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