Netanyahu In Congress July 25, 2024/ Uncategorized

As many readers will know, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress today, having been invited by Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. This speech took place despite threats from leftists and progressives to “take over the Capitol” and “arrest Netanyahu for ‘crimes against humanity’.” No “take over” occurred and Mr. Netanyahu remains a free man.

The speech itself was riveting and was met with thunderous approval from both sides of the isle. I urge my readers to watch it via UTube. The link is:

I’ll share just a few of my favorite lines:

1) Referring to the war against Hamas, Netanyahu said: “This is NOT a clash of civilizations – it is a clash of civilization against barbarism.”

2) “‘Never again’ is NOW!”

3) Regarding humanitarian aid: “Israel is not blocking aid – Hamas is STEALING it.”

4) “Israel regards any civilian death as a tragedy. Hamas regards it as a strategy.”

5) Referring to Islam’s murderous treatment of gays and the inexplicable support of Islam has among some gays in America: “‘Gays for Islam’… is like saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’”

6) And, last, and most importantly, Netanyahu quoted several Iranian sources saying that their real fight is WITH AMERICA: “OUR battle is YOUR battle… OUR fight is YOUR fight… and Our victory will be YOUR victory!”


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