How Do You Like It? July 24, 2024/ Uncategorized

With the inevitable (but involuntary) removal of a frail and demented Joe Biden from the 2024 presidential campaign, it appears that FINALLY the Democrat party has publicly faced up to a reality that many commentators (myself included) have been saying for the last 4 years. Yes, that’s FOUR years; we have been calling attention to Biden’s diminished mental acuity ever since he began his 2020 campaign for the presidency. He was demented THEN just as he is now. So… how do you like it America? How do you like being unabashedly LIED to by the Democrats for four years? How do you like being unabashedly LIED to by the media for four years? How do you like being gaslighted by both for four years? How do you like being played the fool for four years?

Not so much, I think. Biden’s sorry mental state and policy failures have been on full display. Being unable to finish a sentence. Reading ALOUD cue instructions on the teleprompters. SHAKING HANDS WITH THE AIR. Having to be led on and off podiums everywhere. Speaking gobbledygook. These are behaviors that would have been properly handled by placing him in ADULT DAYCARE. But despite all of this, the Democrats and media let him continue this sorry state of affairs. He kept on his merry way while ten MILLION unvetted illegal aliens, criminals, the sick and the mentally ill among them, swarmed across our southern border like an invasion.

And, without the presence of a strong U.S. President, a conflagration of war erupted. Putin with Ukraine. Hamas with Israel. China threatening Taiwan (and us). Chinese fentanyl killing our youth. Iran growing stronger and stronger, by the day, with the BILLIONS of dollars that WE SENT THEM! And a nuclear Iran not far away. Inflation ripping into the livelihood of hard working Americans. And crime surging in our cities and even some suburbs.

So, how do you like being treated like a fool, America, while all of this had happened? Not so much, I think. Not so much, I think. And, I ask you, therefore: is this dishonest and corrupt Democrat party something you can trust? Not so much, I think.

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