NOW He Wants To “Tone Down The Rhetoric?” July 16, 2024/ Uncategorized

In retrospect, I suppose that the Trump Assasination attempt was inevitable. As one commentator put it, “The Democrats can’t have eight years of calling Trump HITLER, and not expect it to have consequences.”

There seems to be broad recognition that the bombastic rhetoric that has become common in contemporary Democratic oratory has created a toxic milieu from which character assasination, violence and, now, REAL assasination come forth.

Listen to the false and toxic brew:

And, it’s not just Biden. Among those singing the same tune are politicians Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Liz Chaney, Maxine Waters, Hilary Clinton, Benny Thompson, media types Joe Scarborough, Don Lemon, media conglomerates CNN and MSNBC and print media such as the New York Times, Washington Post and others. All of the vitriol spewed by the anti Trump cabals listed above can not fail to plant the seeds of frustration, anger and hatred in the minds of the impressionable young, the college students, the leftists and the “progressives” across our nation, including 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, the would be assassin of President Trump. Only by the grace of God, is Mr. Trump still with us today.

Now that the Democrats have been caught, literally, red handed, they are rushing to try for damage control. Biden took to the airwaves to deliver a perfunctory speech ladened with platitudes such as “No place for violence in our politics” and “Not who we are” and we need to restore “civility to American discorse,” and such. Obama issued similar bromides in tweets. They’ve even pulled their long running Trump attack ads off the airways. (Unless I’m mistaken, however, those ads will be back in August; the Democrats have, really, nothing else). The feeling among Democrats must now be that running attack ads so close to the attempted assasination would be mean spirited churlish and would, basically, LOOK BAD.

Notice, however, that neither Biden, Obama, nor the Democratic leadership, had uttered any such conciliatory statements PRIOR to the most serious presidential assasination attempt since John Hinkley shot President Regan in 1981. We hear their conciliatory narrative only NOW, after an assasination attempt that was millimeters away from a ghastly murder, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the conspiracy assasination of JFK in 1963.

Notice, also, that the Democrat response is cleverly disingenuous: they are calling for a toning down of rhetoric “on both sides” as if the Republicans were doing the same thing!

They weren’t.

And, how bad had the Democratic rhetoric gotten? Bad enough to suggest assasination. Consider these two examples:

1) As reported by journalist Pamella Geller (, July 8, 2024) “Prominent academic and New York Times columnist John McWhorter has declared it would be ‘a good thing’ if somebody assassinated former President Donald Trump.” In a podcast called “The Glenn Show” with Brown University economics professor Glenn Loury, McWhorter stated quite clearly: “I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump.” He later went on to say that, “I have taken a great deal of heat for saying, for implying, that I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump. That is exactly what I was implying.” He did, eventually admit: “It was irresponsible of me to say that in a public space. I really shouldn’t have said it here.”So, as the reader can see, this ISN’T fake news. McWorter CONFIRMED that killing Donald Trump was EXACTLY WHAT HE HAD IN MIND. No denial. No apology. Just regrets about being exposed.

2) In mid-April, Mississippi congressman and ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Representative Bennie Thompson (D-MS) introduced legislation designed to strip convicted felons of Secret Service protection. It was co-sponsored by several other Democrat lawmakers. Since Trump had, ostensibly, a felony conviction (which will undoubtably be thrown out on appeal) in the “hush money” trial, Rep. Thompson’s law was aimed specifically at striping Trump’s Secret Service protection, leaving him vulnerable to all variety of assasination attempts.

Now, both of these examples are egregious and bold faced threats against Mr. Trump. There is NOTHING similar coming from Republicans toward Democrats. Even despicable ones such as Adam Sciff, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. NOTHING. On the Republican side, you find, instead, issues and policy discussion. And, regarding Biden’s detereorated mental state and unfitness for the world’s most difficult “job,” Republicans have raised concerns about the obvious, it’s true, but, remember, many Democrats have voiced the same concerns!

So, Mr. Biden, we don’t find your newfound conciliation to be genuine. And, “We” certainly don’t have to “tone down our rhetoric.” Rather, YOU and your Democrat conspirators need to tone down YOUR rhetoric. Let’s hope you do so.

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