Saint Jill July 11, 2024/ Uncategorized

FLASH: Democrats and media: if Joe Biden can’t get himself re-elected, maybe JILL Biden can!

The Democrats have already been asking Americans not to consider JUST Joe Biden, but they say, we should consider his SURROGATES as well! Great. We’re supposed to elect Presidential SURROGATES?…. REALLY?

Which brings us around to Biden’s most visible surrogate: Jill Biden. Jill Biden? Yep. Jill Biden. Jill is a woman who’s main positive is that she looks MORE Presidential than Joe!

Now, because her function as a Biden avatar in this election cycle will prove to be a daunting task, expect much more in the way of eulogizing. In fact the eulogizing has already begun. Consider, if you will, the upcoming front page of the August edition of Vogue magazine:

This portrait isn’t worthy of JUST a First Lady – it’s nothing less than a beatification. Not JUST Jill Biden. Not JUST Doctor Jill Biden. Not just First Lady Jill Biden…. but SAINT JILL BIDEN! The only thing missing is the halo.

Now, although “Saint Jill” began her affair with Joe while she was still married to Bill Stevenson in 1974 (she was the Biden’s babysitter) this fact is seldom broached by the media. Recently Stevenson has come forward with some startling claims about the First Lady, adding a new layer of drama to the already intense scrutiny surrounding the Biden administration.

As reported in Stevenson described Jill Biden as a completely different person from the one he married. “The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way.”

Stevenson’s criticism doesn’t just stop at her personal transformation; he suggests a deeper issue of ambition and manipulation. Stevenson maintains that Jill Biden has been pushing an increasingly frail Joe Biden into the spotlight, despite his visible struggles. This isn’t just about a change in personality; it’s about the lengths that she (and the Biden family) will go to maintain their grip on power.

The emerging picture of “Saint Jill” is that of a power-hungry manipulator. Her apparent willingness to push an aging and struggling Joe Biden into the spotlight raises serious ethical questions. It’s clear that the Bidens are more focused on holding onto power than on the well-being of the country or even the President.

Perhaps “Saint Jill” isn’t so saintly after all.

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