Cheating July 9, 2024/ Uncategorized

As noted in my last post, Biden’s “comeback campaign” wasn’t going well, and an interview for Black public radio (WURD, Philadelphia) was especially embarrassing. As a coda to that essay, it has since come to light that the questions for that interview were given to the radio host, Andrea Lawful-Sanders, BY THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Despite Biden’s claim “That at least I know how to tell the truth,” Biden routinely DOESN’T tell the truth. Cheating is his MO. And, his dishonesty goes WAY BACK; he’s known to have cheated on his law school essays, with clear cut plagiarism. And, in addition to feeding the radio host prearranged questions, Biden was likely fed the ANSWERS to the questions as well.

But, even with all of these advantages, he none-the-less managed to botch the interview anyway. As reported by The New York Post, Lawful-Sanders, admitted that she “got a list of eight questions directly from the White House in advance for the interview.” And, as reported by commentator Robert Spencer, the questions, and their answers, were designed “to help convince panicked supporters, especially blacks, that the president’s disastrous debate performance was an anomaly.” Unfortunately for both of them, Biden showed up in full dementia-ridden bull-in-a-china-shop mode, rambling about how he was proud to be “the first black woman to serve with a black president.”

Now, we can speculate on what Biden was TRYING to say with these nonsensical remarks, but it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that the Biden regime was once again trying to gaslight the American people into thinking that he was capable of doing his job and worthy of being elected in November. Once again, however, reality foiled their plans.

And, even that wasn’t all. Again, as recapitulated by Robert Spencer, Biden also sat for an interview on WMCS’ Earl Ingram Show in Milwaukee, and got asked one of those tough, challenging questions that leftist “journalists” are always asking him: this one concerned “why voting matters.” This question SHOULD have been easy, shouldn’t it? However, Biden’s answer, verbatim: “That’s where we always — we gave Donald Trump executive — a power to, to use a system — and it’s just never contemplated by our founders because of the people he appointed to the court.” ….Whaaat?… As Trump said during the debate: “I don’t know what he said there… I don’t think he knows what he said there.” So true, and neither do you and I.

So, as I said above, the “comeback campaign” isn’t going well at all. If his “handlers” let him keep this up, the incompetent and cackling Ms. Harris, might have to replace him for the remainder of the CURRENT term (see amendment 25 of the Constitution), with, mercifully, Trump replacing him for the next.

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