The Biden Comeback July 6, 2024/ Uncategorized

So far, Joe Biden’s “comeback campaign” is looking even worse than his debate performance. Biden and the Democrats THOUGHT the media would still be capable of campaign camouflage. And, why not? The media has run interference for lackluster (or worse) liberal presidential candidates MANY times before.

As Ann Coulter has written on July 3, 2024 in the Town Hall blog (

“The media’s playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn’t good for democracy, but oddly, it’s not even good for the Democrats. Biden’s open-mouthed, faraway stare at a nationally televised debate isn’t the first shock revelation to rock a Democratic candidate in the middle of a presidential campaign

Al Gore spent 20 years boasting about his service in Vietnam. “I took my turn regularly on the perimeter in these little firebases out in the boonies. Something would move, we’d fire first and ask questions later,” he told Vanity Fair, among other macho quotes. And then he decided to run for president, and we found out Gore had a personal bodyguard in Vietnam, the most dangerous weapon he carried was a typewriter, and he left after three months.

John Kerry claimed to be a valiant, Purple Heart-deserving Vietnam veteran who spent Christmas 1968 in Cambodia “despite President Nixon’s assurances that there was no combat action in this neutral territory” — all dutifully reported in the press. Then he ran for president, and it was suddenly discovered that more than 280 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth called Kerry a liar, his Purple Heart was based on a self-inflicted wound that required the life-saving application of a Band-Aid, his boat was never in Cambodia, and Nixon wasn’t president in 1968.

Right up until last Thursday, we’ve been assured by the entire media conglomerate that Joe Biden is the sharpest he’s ever been, “intellectually, analytically” — the words of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough just last month.” (!)

But, NOOOO! It turns out that that assesment is not going to “fly.” And Mr. Biden isn’t helping his cause. At all.

On July 3, in an interview with a Philadelphia radio station, WURD, Biden said (verbatim) that he was “proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president. (?)(!) Don’t believe me? Here’s the link:

Wow! Biden has managed to change his own COLOR AND SEX?!

Further on, he claimed that “I’m the first president that got elected statewide in the State of Delaware when I was a kid.”


Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Biden’s “comeback” campaign is just not working out the way it was hoped it would. The more they put him “out there” the worse he looks.

PS: Update: Things haven’t gone any better for him today either. Campaigning in Wisconsin, Biden couldn’t answer the question as to whether he has watched the debate or not! (As one commentator opined: “He DOESN’T know!”). He dodged questions as to whether he would take a cognitive test or not: “No one has said that I have to.” He also blamed Trump’s “shouting” for his debate debacle, despite the fact that Trump did NOT shout once during the debate.

So far, Biden’s “comeback campaign,” continues to founder. As summarized by the Babylon Bee:

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