They’re Digging In! July 1, 2024/ Uncategorized

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that despite Joe Biden’s disastrous and demented performance during Thursday’s debate, the Democrats are… DIGGING IN! After the debate debacle, you would THINK that the Democrat Party would sit down with Joe and Jill and plan some exit strategy SOON so that they can get a replacement candidate in place with enough time to shore up their campaign. However, as they used to say on Saturday Night Live:… “But, NOOOO!!!” No common sense activity is apparent. As mentioned in my last essay, it would seem that the lack of a good replacement together with their smug awareness that they got a similarly demented Biden (largely concealed in his basement) elected in 2024, so who’s to say that they can’t do it again?

Along those lines, Democrat top brass, went on the airways in a show of support for old Joe. Maryland Governor, telegenic Wes Moore, went on Face The Nation claiming to enthusiastically support Biden. STILL. Gavin Newsome likewise pledged his undying support. So did Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and many others. Nancy Pelosi went on CNN’s State of the Union program saying just how COMPETENT she knows Joe Biden to be, and, despite Trump’s excellent debate performance (with complete command on every topic and cogent arguments throughout) she supposedly had talked to “experts” who, she says, feel that Trump is demented. During that interview, however, it was clearly evident that SHE, slurring her words, stuttering now and then, and too long pauses here and there, has obvious signs of dementia too!

So, given that the Democrats are “circling the wagons” in support of their feeble octogenarian, what could POSSIBLY be their strategy?

Number one: they want America to believe that Biden “just had a ‘bad night,” with, presumably, “better ones” coming up. Unfortunately, everyone that’s been paying attention knows that it’s NOT “just a bad one night” because his entire presidential term has been bad. Time and again he mumbles incoherently, delivers non sequiturs, stares away vacantly, wanders around aimlessly, shakes hands with the air, defecates in his pants, says he went to France for D-day commemoration and talked with “service members WHO HAVE DIED!” (verbatim!)

Next, they’ve introduced a BRAND NEW TERM into the campaign vocabulary: “surrogates.” “surrogates?” … Yes: “SURROGATES!” Hearing the Democrats talk, America should not just judge Biden on his own merits, but should consider all of Biden’s (presumably more competent) “surrogates” as well! Is this any rationale for an entré vous to the White House?

Next, since there’s no way to defend Biden’s actual debate performance, they plan to try to attack Mr. Trump’s. And, since Trump won the debate hands down on delivery, composure and presence, their only possible strategy is to accuse him of…”lies.” “Lies?” Yes: “LIES.” But what many of what the Democrats call “lies” are not, however, simple falsehoods, but often times are a matter of statements taken out of context or only partially quoted. And, the Democrats are pursuing this angle as if Joe Biden himself was far above duplicity! Are they for REAL? Leaving aside his predebate habit of lying (plagerism, lying about his class rank, his relationship with China, etc.) let’s see if we can find any falsehoods among Biden’s verbiage on Thursday.

Well, for starts, Biden claimed that “no Americans lost their lives on my ‘watch.’” Well Joe, what about the 13 American service members killed during your disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? Or all the American civilians and collaborators you left behind in Afghanistan (to suffer God knows what fate at the hands of a vituperative Taliban bent on retribution)? What about the American hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th, where we don’t know how many or IF any are still alive.

And then there was Biden’s claim that he is supported by police unions. That claim was so risible that, DURING the actual debate, the head of the policeman’s union posted a response saying that “We never have, nor never will support Joe Biden.”

Then there was Biden’s similar claim that he’s been supported by the Border Patrol. Immediately after the debate, the Border Patrol Union issued a statement denying Biden’s claim, saying that ‘We never have and never will’ (as reported by NBC).

And, then there were Biden claims of Trump bungling the pandemic response, when ALL of the pandemic control measures that he tried to take credit for, were initiated by President Trump. And, that there were many MORE COVID deaths on Biden’s “watch” then Trump’s.

And then there was Biden taking credit for the economy and job growth, ALL of which were a result of Trump economic policy.

So, at this point, an incredulous reader might be thinking: “So THIS is going to be the Democrat strategy?” And the answer is: apparently so! Mixed in with some ballot box stuffing, mass canvassing and other assorted skullduggery. After all, that’s all they’ve got.

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