Netanyahu In Congress July 25, 2024/ Uncategorized

As many readers will know, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress today, having been invited by Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. This speech took place despite threats from leftists and progressives to “take over the Capitol” and “arrest Netanyahu for ‘crimes against humanity’.” No “take over” occurred and Mr. Netanyahu remains a free man.

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How Do You Like It? July 24, 2024/ Uncategorized

With the inevitable (but involuntary) removal of a frail and demented Joe Biden from the 2024 presidential campaign, it appears that FINALLY the Democrat party has publicly faced up to a reality that many commentators (myself included) have been saying for the last 4 years. Yes, that’s FOUR years; we have been calling attention to Biden’s diminished mental acuity ever

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Taking A Breather July 18, 2024/ Uncategorized

Taking A Breather Well folks, it’s been quite roller coaster over the past 5 days. From the chilling assassination attempt on Saturday, to the amazing resolve of Mr. Trump recovering, to the Republican Renaissance of the Milwaukee convention. As anyone who has been watching the convention knows, Mr. Trump has reunited a Republican Party that had been fractious and feckless

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NOW He Wants To “Tone Down The Rhetoric?” July 16, 2024/ Uncategorized

In retrospect, I suppose that the Trump Assasination attempt was inevitable. As one commentator put it, “The Democrats can’t have eight years of calling Trump HITLER, and not expect it to have consequences.” There seems to be broad recognition that the bombastic rhetoric that has become common in contemporary Democratic oratory has created a toxic milieu from which character assasination,

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Saint Jill July 11, 2024/ Uncategorized

FLASH: Democrats and media: if Joe Biden can’t get himself re-elected, maybe JILL Biden can! The Democrats have already been asking Americans not to consider JUST Joe Biden, but they say, we should consider his SURROGATES as well! Great. We’re supposed to elect Presidential SURROGATES?…. REALLY? Which brings us around to Biden’s most visible surrogate: Jill Biden. Jill Biden? Yep.

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Cheating July 9, 2024/ Uncategorized

As noted in my last post, Biden’s “comeback campaign” wasn’t going well, and an interview for Black public radio (WURD, Philadelphia) was especially embarrassing. As a coda to that essay, it has since come to light that the questions for that interview were given to the radio host, Andrea Lawful-Sanders, BY THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE. This shouldn’t come as a

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The Biden Comeback July 6, 2024/ Uncategorized

So far, Joe Biden’s “comeback campaign” is looking even worse than his debate performance. Biden and the Democrats THOUGHT the media would still be capable of campaign camouflage. And, why not? The media has run interference for lackluster (or worse) liberal presidential candidates MANY times before. As Ann Coulter has written on July 3, 2024 in the Town Hall blog

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Fake News You Can Trust July 3, 2024/ Uncategorized

Well, folks, after all of the post debate analysis and discussion, I think it might be merciful at this point to take a brief “time out,” and turn away, for a moment, from stern invective and “lighten up” a bit. With this in mind I’ll post a number of vignettes taken from the Babylon Bee. By the way, the “Bee”

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It’s All They’ve Got July 2, 2024/ Uncategorized

It has now become apparent what the Democrat salvage strategy will be: “LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES!” As one Democrat apologist put it: “Biden may be a poor debater, but at least he told the truth.” He was implying, of course, that Trump lied repeatedly. The irony of this claim is, to say the least, breathtaking. My last essay presented

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They’re Digging In! July 1, 2024/ Uncategorized

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that despite Joe Biden’s disastrous and demented performance during Thursday’s debate, the Democrats are… DIGGING IN! After the debate debacle, you would THINK that the Democrat Party would sit down with Joe and Jill and plan some exit strategy SOON so that they can get a replacement candidate in place with enough time to

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