Aftermath June 29, 2024/ Uncategorized

There is much in the way of debate aftermath to discuss. In my last post I emphasized the fact that Biden’s terrible cognitive state, on full display in Thursday’s debate, SHOULD have been no surprise to anyone, having been amply demonstrated on a continuous basis over the last five years or so.The fact that it WAS a surprise for many Americans is a testament to the horrific partisanship and dishonesty of the Democrat party, who’s support of a incompetent Joe Biden second term is unconscionable. And, worse than that, it is a testament to the partisanship and dishonesty of the American press and media, that SHOULD have fulfilled their duty to function as a “watch dog” of American democracy. They were obviously and shamefully derelict in their duty to the American people. And, it’s not like this was something trivial or unimportant – it involved the readiness and qualifications for THE MOST IMPORTANT job in the world.

Any reader that has not yet viewed the debate personally should do so. It will be a real eye opener:

The day after the debacle, amazingly, Joe and Jill Biden put on their best “happy faces” and soldiered on, pretending that everything was still peachy. The very day after the disastrous debate they had the gall to show up for fundraisers in NYC! I guess their feeling must have been, like the song says, “if I can make it here…” However, Mr. & Mrs. Biden, New York City is NOT indicative of the true national mood, and even if you were able to glean some funds from the misguided “progressives” in the city, much of America, is turning away. And, the WORLD is turning away too. Surprisingly, even China, formerly deep within Biden’s pocket (literally), has mocked him. As reported on Weibo (China’s equivalent of X/Twitter): Chinese state-run news outlet Beijing News described Biden in the debate as “habitually confused,” focusing on his apparent lack of mental sharpness throughout the debate. They characterized Biden, verbatim, as “looking like a robot and barely blinking” and suggested he showed “obvious signs of dementia.” One user joked that it was a “miracle” that Biden could even stand for the entire debate. Even the New York Times ran an editorial calling for Biden to withdraw.

Now, in light of all the carnage, one might ask why the Democrat Party would let it come to this? Why would they continue to try to foist a clearly incompetent and demented octogenarian on the American people? There are, I believe, two answers.

First, they must have thought they could get away with it AGAIN. Hell, they thought, we got him elected (by hook of crook) in 2020 didn’t we? And, it’s true that today’s Joe Biden is probably NOT terribly more cognitively impaired than he was in 2020. The thinking must have been, if we did it THEN, we can do it AGAIN now..

Second, the sad fact is that the Democrats DON’T HAVE A GOOD SUBSTITUTE! And they know it!

It is now clear, in retrospect, why the Democrats pushed for such an early debate. They wanted to try to get as much time as possible to set up and prop up a replacement should a worse case scenario require it. And, after the debate on Thursday they certainly do require it. But, even with the extra time, they are up against formidable odds.

Kamala Harris, with her smug attitude, trite speeches, conceited demeanor and witch-like cackle, is considered, AMONG THE DEMOCRATS, to be unelectable (think Hillary Clinton without the intellectual prowess).

Next, although Gavin Newsome’s (Governor of the Woke State of California) name often comes up, Democrats are rightfully concerned that he is unelectable too. Why? First, although he’s good looking, he’s quite stupid. AND, second, California is a MESS. The republicans would have very easy rebuttals to any promise he might make on the campaign trail: “oh YEAH?…just look at THIS!” Flash, picture after picture of the squalor that graces contemporary Cali. Then they could put up statistic after statistic showing the massive middle class exodus from that state, and then show frightening crime statistics, drug addiction statistics and so on. Easy peasy.

Next, although Michele Obama has her fans among the progressives and radicals, she lacks her husband’s charisma, and would put off large segments of the undecideds (and ALL of the Republicans). And, I suspect that she wouldn’t be interested in the job anyway, having observed, during her husband’s presidency, that the job required WORK. Ms. Obama, being, all her life, a mooch of the highest order, would shun the nomination. (During her eight years in the White House, she required a staff of TWENY SEVEN (don’t believe me?…look it up!) to do… NOTHING).

Then there’s a whole host of lightweights: Whitmer, Hocul, Gillibrand, O’Rourke and others. But that’s just it – they’re lightweights, all of them.

And, the last desperate Democrat hope: HILLARY CLINTON (As Dick Morris once said: “if she’s got a heartbeat she’s running!). But, we KNOW how that worked out the last time, don’t we?

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