Can’t Be Taken Back June 28, 2024/ Uncategorized

Singer/songwriter Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam) once wrote a song lyric that rings true as a bell:

“Some words when spoken
can’t be taken back.”

I think, dear readers, that all of us can attest to the truth of that statement, and, perhaps, some of us may harbor regrets over something that we shouldn’t have said and, found, that, indeed, we are unable to “take back.”

That aphorism can apply not just to words. I believe that the same might apply also to last night’s Trump/Biden debate. That Biden debacle is something, I imagine, that Democrats would sacrifice their first borns to make go away, but, alas, are finding that it “can’t be taken back.” If the reader watched the debate proceedings last night, I think you’ll immediately understand what I’m getting at. If the reader hasn’t seen the debate, I highly recommend that you do so. It can be accessed via the following link:

This debate was remarkable for two reasons:

1: How WELL Trump did; measured (surprisingly), direct, cogent and, even, presidential.

2: How TERRIBLE Biden did; rambling, distracted, weak and often just plain CONFUSED. And, with a nasty streak to boot.

I, personally, would have preferred a slightly better performance from Joe, because a better performance would allow him to continue his campaign, and it’s hard to imagine a worse candidate, so, if Biden were to make it to November, Mr. Trump’s victory would easily be assured. However, Biden’s performance was SO weak, I can not imagine that he will be allowed, by the Democrat Party, to continue his campaign up to the election. Literally, ANY other choice would give Trump a more difficult task.

Now, last night’s Democrat debate disaster is important, not just in its effect on the two campaigns, but also because it bespeaks of the terrible dishonesty and hyper partisanship of both the Democrat Party and the Fourth Estate (the media). Biden’s severe (and sad) mental decline should not have been a surprise to ANYONE last night. It has been on CONSTANT display for years : The EVERY DAY gaffs. The incoherent mumbling. The shaking hands with the air. The wandering off. His DEFECATING IN HIS PANTS at the D-Day ceremonies in France in front of French President Emmanuel Macron (and the world).* All of these very obvious signs of advanced dementia SHOULD have caused the press to sound an alarm and should have caused the Democrat Party to take appropriate measures (invoking the 25th Amendment) to remove him from office. The fact that neither the media nor the Democrat Party had the honesty and the wherewithal to do the right thing is a mark on them of everlasting shame. They should apologize to the American people.

And one other big worry I have: the debate was, without doubt, watched with great interest in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Pyongyang, and the tunnels of Rafah. In each location, our enemies must now be aware of two things:

1: How very weak Biden is at present.

2: And, since it’s clear that Biden won’t be re-elected, they must then realize that they have but a short “window of opportunity” to carry out the next step in their nefarious plans (such as China moving on Taiwan or Putin shifting to a “scorched earth” campaign in the Ukraine.) I PRAY that they don’t become thusly emboldened.

*The “soiling” episode to which I’m referring was supposedly “explained” by the White House press team as Biden not knowing “whether to sit or stand.” If that were the case, then why did he and Jill IMMEDIATELY LEAVE the ceremonies ahead of schedule? The following two links will let the reader decide for him/her self:

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