Reviving The Lost Art Of Physiognomy June 12, 2024/ Uncategorized

Reviving The Lost Art Of Physiognomy

Physiognomy is a now largely discredited field of human inquiry that purported to link the traits of physical appearance with psychological traits and behavioral tendencies. At one time such analysis was held in high esteem even by the enlightened minds of the day. For example:

“There is nothing truer than physiognomy, taken in connection with manner.” Charles Dickens

Shakespeare, also, indulged in physiognomy frequently, to the point where a book has been devoted to the subject:

Now, the more “enlightened” society of today has basically drummed physiognomic tendencies out of our collective psyche. Such nostrums as “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover” and “clothes don’t make the man” and “looks can be deceiving,” etc., have been repeated ad nauseam. All the above are true enough, of course, but our natural tendency for physiognomic analysis, despite such disparagement, has NOT vanished. And the reason that it has not vanished is simple; sometimes, you CAN judge a book by it’s cover. No matter how much we may want to be “enlightened,” deep down we know that this individual:

(Receip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, and the self appointed heir to the Ottoman Empire.)

is likely to be a very different personality, for example, than this individual:

(Pete Buttigieg, current director of the US Department of Transportation, and WIFE of Chasten Buttigieg).

In addition, it is easy to find another thousand examples. So, ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the time has come to revive, if you will, the lost art of physiognomic analysis and endow it with at least a modicum of the respectability it deserves.

With this in mind, as budding physiognomists, what in the world should we make of the many contemporary activists that, who, having no shame, apparently, assault us with their bizarre visages every single day? We are often treated to the likes of:

This photograph features the aptly named Bambie Thug, Ireland’s competitor in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. This unpleasant and lachrymose young nitwit could not, apparently, hold back tears when she learned that Israeli singer Eden Golan had been voted to be a finalist in the competition.

This photograph features the “gender fluid” Sam Brinton who had been appointed by Biden to head the government agency that handles NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL(!). He has since been removed from this position following his arrest on grand larceny charges for stealing airport luggage, in order to collect ladies dresses, of which he/she/it is very fond.

This photo show the First Lady campaigning for her husband with an assorted collection of flaming drag queens. It’s quite a constituency, I think you’ll agree.

This features one of the many Biden supporters found within the “alternative life style” subculture.

Lastly, this pro Hamas demonstrator was shocked at being rebuffed by Muslim demonstrators (such “stick in the muds,” those Muslims!) that did not appreciate her “alternative lifestyle.”

So, in each case, it appears that we CAN, indeed, on the basis of appearance, make appropriate inferences vis-a-vis personality.

And, one further point: How ON EARTH do these people expect us to take them seriously?

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