FLASH: Weird People Do Weird Things!

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 10, 2023/ Uncategorized

In the delightful 1997 Disney movie “George of the Jungle,” staring Brendan Fraser, the narrative is interrupted a number of times by satirical “news flashes.” One of the interruptions goes as follows: “FLASH: scientists have discovered that Canadian bacon… is really HAM!” In today’s America I have a similar bon mot: “FLASH: Weird people… do weird things!” You wouldn’t THINK such a platitude needs repeating, but alas, the perpetually somnolent American populace don’t seem attuned to the issue, and, in my opinion, would do well to consider this particular “News Flash” in greater detail.

What I’m getting at has to do with the rather breathtaking normalization of weirdness that has transformed American society from the 60s right up to today. It would appear that weirdness is not only tolerated by our liberal and “progressive” society, but is actually ENCOURAGED. Few citizens, however, seem to have considered whether or not this trend is actually a GOOD IDEA. Contemporary Americans, in general, have a somewhat libertarian mind set and many baby boomers (myself included) have enjoyed the loosening of the straight laced mores and conformist aspects so emblematic of life in the 50s, few people seem to have considered just how far these liberating movements SHOULD go. In my opinion, America, and, indeed Western Civilization as whole, has not only gone too far; it’s GONE OFF THE DEEP END.

Allowing trans men to compete (and break performance records) in women’s athletics, literally “beating the pants off” of real life females (who are unalterably at a disadvantage due to smaller size and lesser muscle mass) is an example. Recently, top NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was thrust into the culture war when she was forced to compete against University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas is a “fully intact” biological male, as she described him. As a “man”:

When Thomas competed against the men as William, he was an entirely average male college swimmer, ranking outside the top-400 in the nation. He then, cleverly chose to compete as a “woman”:

As a “woman” he/she magically finished the season as the top ranked “female” swimmer in America.

The unabashed unfairness should be obvious to everyone.

Next, allowing men who “identify” as women prowl ladies rooms and peep at real women (and girls) in bathroom stalls is another. And, by the way, legal blockades against such crazy permissiveness in a number of states (Arkansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma, among them) have been portrayed by leftist and LGBTQ activists and their media supporters as hopelessly old fashion, outdated, backward, and Neanderthal even.

The next case comes from Scotland, who’s penal system has been catering to a trans (male to female) convicted MURDERER, Sophie Eastwood (née Daniel Eastwood), placing him in a women’s prison. As a “man”:

Magically, as a “woman”:

And, if you think THAT is weird, be advised that Eastwood now identifies as AN INFANT, and demands that he/she/it be provided diapers and baby food. And Scotland AGREED!!!


and, again:

Heartwarming, isn’t it? And, recall that he/she/it is A CONVICTED MURDERER.

Then of course, there’s the inexplicable fixation that American “educators” have with exposing young, PREsexual, children to sexual deviants. (See my essay: “What the HELL Are We Doing To Our Kids?” from Sept 16, 2022). One photo from “story hour”:

Although his/her/it’s genitals are blurred in the photo, ladies and gentleman, this weirdo is NOT wearing undergarments.

So, I think it’s time high time that America takes a hard look at just how MUCH weirdness and deviance it should tolerate and/or encourage. Weird people, indeed, do weird things. In my next essay I’ll take a look at some of the weird things weird people do.

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  1. As they say, You can’t make this stuff up, We have truly reached the state of “the Emperor’s new clothes”. It’s time for the little kid to say the Emperor isn’t wearing anything. It’s time for the media to stop pretending this is everyday normal.

  2. You could write a new story everyday..I will give you one…out in Colorado a parent is bringing a lawsuit (Are there enuf lawyers to take all of them on??). Recent bar exam results show dumming down rising with bar exam failures. Parents 12 yr old daughter personally invited to attend after-school “art class” turned into LBGTQ (don’t have to tell parents) club…look it up.. and Feinstein arrives in wheelchair (hardly recognizable at 89) to vote for passage of bill…weird is in – get with it Patrick! 🤪

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