Since When? January 31, 2023/ Uncategorized

Since when, ladies and gentlemen, are politicians in America suddenly expected to be TRUTHFUL? Did I miss something? Has there been some cosmic shift in America’s expectations of politician honesty, which normally runs between slim and none?

Yes, it’s true that freshman Republican Congressman George Santos may have been less than completely honest regarding his résumé. Although we hear constantly from the main stream media that Santos has subsequently “admitted lying,” that’s actually NOT what he said; he admitted, to use his own terminology, to EMBELLISHING the truth. Now as attentive citizens, we’ve heard about “political embellishment” many many times over. Now, why, all of a sudden, is this a big deal? Do the political hacks that are up in arms about this have a short memory?

Have they forgotten that the patron saint of liberalism, Hillary Clinton, once claimed to have been “taking fire” while landing at an airport on trip to Africa, when the “fire” she referred to was in a hamlet 50 MILES away!

Have they forgotten that Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed to have participated in the Vietnam War, but, in fact, had never SET FOOT in that country. He later admitted that “he misspoke” and, as a penitent and liberal, suffered no repercussions what-so-ever.

Or, how about that master prevaricator, Barack Obama, telling Americans that “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance” while knowing full well that most private insurance plans would not survive the transition, and that almost NO ONE who liked their plan would end up keeping their plan?

Then, how about Joe Biden, during his 2020 presidential campaign, bragging about being an “award-winning student, leaving college with three degrees, going to law school on a “full academic scholarship,” and graduating in the “top half of his class?” In reality, it turns out that NONE of the above is true. He graduated college with one degree and was nearly expelled from law school for plagiarizing five straight pages of a published article, and ended up 76th out of a class of 85! Was he “misspeaking” also? (By the way, I’ve chosen the above example for the sake of simplicity. In reality, Biden is an inveterate liar that tells major lies nearly every single day – including a recent one where he claimed to have gone to HEBREW SCHOOL! No kidding! Look it up!).

Then there’s former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren having claimed that she was of Native American ancestry in order to gain admission to Harvard. It turns out that her claim was based upon nothing more than her grandmother saying that “her high cheekbones looked like those of a squaw.” A Cherokee Nation Secretary of State, Chuck Hoskins, rejected her claim, saying that the claim “dishonors legitimate tribal governments” and “makes a mockery of DNA testing.” She subsequently apologized to the Cherokees.

Then, famously, there is former president Bill Clinton who, under oath, claimed that: “I did not have sex with that woman!” Unfortunately for him, DNA testing proved otherwise.

Now, dear readers, have you noticed something common to all of the above examples?… Yes, you guessed it!…. the “get out of jail free” liars are… ALL democrats! That’s it! So, I think we can now answer the question with which I began this essay: “Since when are politicians in America expected to be truthful?”… Well, the answer is very clear: ONLY when they’re REPUBLICANS!

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  1. Thank you so much for this essay. Your essay is so truthful. They have too many ” Get Out Of JAIL CARDS”. The news forgets to report on them. I am still trying to get on your line. Thank You Bob

  2. There has to be a “hire power” in this political world that excludes Democrats from legal entrapment.
    We would have to dig deep to trap those who are guilty of lies and willful entrapments who make it possible to do and say anything they want and never get impeached or sent to prison or even see the inside of a courtroom….conservative stations just reiterate what Democrats do hoping to shake up the naysayers and it never goes anywhere…..and eventually goes away and a new lie and shocking story re-emerges with the same outcome. We conservatives are all so naive—we are still trying to be flag wavers and pray for justice—we just need a “taste” of justice at this point….Hope springs eternal—never give up the ship!

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