They Have Done It Again August 11, 2022/ Uncategorized

Here it goes again. Another disease “gifted” to the world via the unbridled promiscuity, and irresponsible hyper sexuality predominantly practiced by homosexual men. And, the “gift” is coming on fast. Just a month ago, it was “very rare.” Last Friday it was declared a “global emergency” by the World Health Organization (WHO), which, in this case is unfettered by the geopolitics of China, and has truthfully called a “spade a spade.” How refreshing! So, what is this disease “du jour?” Monkeypox, of course.

The New York City Department of Health has recently labeled monkey pox a health emergency. The CDC is considering conferring emergency status as well. While public health officials issued “reassurances” (Reminiscent of early COVID reassurances, isn’t it?) that the disease could only be spread by “skin to skin” contact, or “sex between men,” there are now reports of infants that have been stricken.

Readers may recall a another disease “gifted” to mankind under similar circumstances in the 1980s: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, or AIDS. Since its jump from chimpanzees to African and then Haitian homosexual men, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, went on to kill 36.3 MILLION people, and most of the time it killed them horribly. Although monkeypox, a DNA virus, is generally thought to be less transmissible and less dangerous than its RNA cousins, HIV and COVID-19, it is still capable of mutation, so we don’t yet know what, ultimately, monkeypox will do.

Although, in the 80s, the AIDS epidemic clearly originated and was spread by promiscuous homosexual men, public health officials, politicians and the media soft pedaled this fact, not wanting to “stigmatize” homosexuals. Accordingly, the epidemic was blamed on the “slow response of the government,” of course. This “passing the buck” strategy was the theme of the book, “The Band Played On,” by homosexual author Randy Shilts. Like Hillary Clinton (who, many years later, blamed her electoral loss on everyone but herself) Shilts blamed the AIDS epidemic on everybody and everything except the promiscuous homosexual men that were the actual cause. He, and other “proto woke” journalists of the time, implicated the supposed slow response of organized medicine, the slow response of the US government, society’s stigmatization of AIDS victims thereby discouraging the afflicted from coming forth for treatment, as well as other assorted causes. Anything but the true cause: irresponsible and promiscuous homosexual sex. After all, we wouldn’t want to be “judgemental“ now would we?… Which, is exactly my point. It’s time to BE judgemental. Promiscuous sex (whether homosexual or heterosexual, in fact) is risky behavior, and those that indulge assume, whether knowingly or unknowingly, a certain degree of risk. They have only THEMSELVES to blame.

I should hasten to add, however, that it’s not homosexuality, per se, that is the culprit (although “rough sex” and anal sex certainly increase the risk); rather, it’s the astonishing promiscuity, hyper-sexuality and irresponsibility of a certain significant segment of the homosexual population that is to blame.

So, the next time you see a “gay pride” slogan or event, don’t think just of rainbows and liberation, think also of AIDS and monkey pox. Large numbers of Americans who, in my opinion, have been extremely tolerant and non judgmental (even supportive) regarding homosexuality, might want to revive just a modicum of disapproval.

Now, I don’t mean to advocate some type of pogrom or even discrimination aimed at homosexuals, but I believe that a small dose of opprobrium might remind promiscuous homosexuals that there are limits to society’s acceptance and tolerance of their “alternative life styles” and they might consider a return to moderation and some type of personal decorum and restraint when it comes to sex. Otherwise, God only knows what the NEXT pandemic will be.

By the way, gay activists have recently advocated renaming monkey pox something else because of the term’s pejorative connotations. On this point, I’m inclined to agree with them: the term “monkey pox” is giving monkeys a bad name.

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