The Age Of Irony Update Number 1 March 18, 2021/ Uncategorized

The current news cycle, ladies and gentlemen, continues to shine with more examples of blatant irony.

After four years of Democrats and the press corps whining about the NEED for open borders, and what an affront to human dignity that the southern border wall was, and how we need to open our arms and “welcome the stranger,” and that it is our duty to feed and clothe UNLIMITED NUMBERS of migrants, suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

Massing at our southern border, right now, are THOUSANDS of migrants, demanding unvetted entrance into our nation (and all the largess that would entail). There were over 100,000 migrant encounters at the border in February alone. This situation is not surprising in the least, however. What IS surprising is that Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, had the unmitigated gall to blame this disaster on… you guessed it… President Trump!

Apparently unaware that during Trump’s tenure, migrant influx dropped to minuscule levels, whereas the current flux is now said to be the largest in 20 years. And in addition to the those seeking a better life, there are reports of “asylum seekers” from Iran, Yemen, Sri Lanka, China and other hot spots. Hiding among these migrants are, without doubt, terrorists:

And, of course, if this weren’t enough, there will undoubtedly be “run of the mill” criminals mixed in as well.

So, while Ms. Pelosi sees this as the fault of Donald Trump, the migrants themselves, think differently:

In conclusion, blaming the migrant crisis on Trump instead of Biden?… Oh, the irony!

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