FLASH: Joe Biden Is NOT President-Elect

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 17, 2020/ Uncategorized

FLASH: Joe Biden is NOT “President-Elect.” As written in the Constitution of the United States of America, the title of “President-Elect” is bestowed on a presidential candidate ONLY on January 6th at a special meeting of the Senate which is convened for that purpose. It is NOT bestowed by the New York Times, CNN or MSNBC (nor is it bestowed by Fox, Newsmax or the Epoch Times, for that matter). Source: www.archives.gov.

On Sunday, the New York Times, demonstrated a staggering degree of bold faced deceit and tweeted:

Imagine that! The NYT had the gall to declare, essentially, ITSELF “king maker!” After a firestorm of outrage online, the Times was forced to delete the preposterous tweet and issue a RETRACTION: “We’ve deleted an earlier tweet that referred imprecisely to the role of the news media in the U.S. presidential election.” IMPRECISELY????… PLEASE!

Such an “imprecise” missive from the NYT was no accident. The correct procedure by which a president is certified is NOT hard to find. I located it at www.archives.gov after about 45 seconds online. Presumably the NYT also has access to a computer. No, this wasn’t an “honest mistake.” It was a calculated, outright deception. And it is part and parcel of the Democrat/leftist/media’s current strategy of trying to make Biden’s illegitimate “victory” stick by portraying it as a fait accompli. And, ladies and gentlemen, I assure you it is NOT a “done deal.” Just this morning, Clark County, Nevada (which includes Las Vegas), DECERTIFIED Biden’s “victory.” There’s much more to come.

But while we are on the subject, it might be worthwhile to review the correct procedure by which our country elects a president. I’d venture to guess that many Americans, including, apparently, the New York Times, don’t know the process in detail.

1) On the first Tuesday in November, every fourth year, Americans go to the polls. The accumulated votes are then tabulated together with mail-in and absentee ballots. In some cases this can take days to weeks.

2) The governors of each state examine the results and if they are satisfied as to the integrity of the vote, they then CERTIFY the tabulation.

3) The certified results are then given to members of the ELECTORAL COLLEGE for each state.

4) On December 14th, the ELECTORAL COLLEGE meets to certify the result, which is then given to the U.S. Archivist (who is a member of the Office of the Federal Register [OFR] which is a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration [NARA]) which sends the results to Congress.

5) On January 6 the Senate convenes to certify the Electoral College results. The meeting is presided over by the President of the Senate (this year, Vice President Mike Pence). The Senate is the body that declares who the next president will be and bestows the title of “President Elect.” The Constitution requires that the certified candidate has 270 electoral votes or more.

6) On January 20th, at noon, the presidency is then transferred to whom ever has 270 CERTIFIED electoral votes.

7) If, at the January 6th meeting, an objection is raised and attested to by BOTH a Senator and a Congressperson, both houses are to “retire” to their chambers and try to figure out an agreement.

8) If either chamber can’t agree on a compromise, or if neither candidate has the required 270 electoral votes, the election is turned over to the House of Representatives that then chooses the next president. This, by the way, is how John Quincy Adams was elected. But, note well, each state gets ONLY ONE VOTE. “Republican States” currently outnumber “Democrat States” 26/23/1, so, in all likelyhood, once the election goes to the House, President Trump will be re-elected.

At the present time, it looks like the Trump administration strategy is to dispute certification in several states that showed flagrant disregard for the Constitutionally mandated electoral procedure (bipartisan observers, for example), as well as those states with proven “irregularities.” If the Biden electoral tally can be driven below 270, then the contingencies noted above are triggered. With current rumors of the Biden Administration’s plans to increase taxes on a struggling economy, renter the Iran nuclear deal, make nice with China and send COVID-19 vaccines to the Third World BEFORE ALL AMERICANS THAT WANT THE VACCINE GET VACCINATED, we’ve got to hope and pray that Trump succeeds.

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  1. As The British Say, “Spot ON!” As to the complexities of the recounts I cannot speak, but your erudition, insight, and embracing overview are punch, punch, and smash! Good that independent thinkers post objective reality details. Our system, properly handled, will bring out the truth, of who the American people want as their leader in these difficult times. “The Truth will bear scrutiny.” -jjs

  2. Your post are so clear and to the point . It seems the news media has a one track mind and that is not to be truthful. They are not telling the news , Many people are getting tired of the so called news They are also tired of .President Elect . I hope the people wake up .

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Dr. Mastroianni and Linda wish you a very Happy Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving Enjoy the day and weekend Relax God bless both of you Bob

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