Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 12, 2020/ Uncategorized

And the Democrats said to President Trump: “A STORM IS COMING.”
And President Trump said to the Democrats: “I AM THE STORM.”

Readers might recognize that I have borrowed this stirring line from the Mission Impossible movies. I did so for two reasons: First, President Trump’s mission, which he, apparently, HAS chosen to accept, is nothing less that a real life “Mission Impossible”: saving our great nation from strong malevolent forces determined to change her or bring her down. But, like the Ethan Hunt character in the movies, Mr. Trump won’t let his country down. Second, both determination embodied in the movie line and Trump’s amazing resilience are both indicative of what has to be called gargantuan tenacity. President Trump has endured the most garish, relentless and outrageous attacks that ANY US President has ever had to face. Yet he fights on.

Even as we hear countless self serving and mindless declarations that there “is no evidence” of voter fraud, evidence showing that there WAS, indeed, fraud, continues to pile up. How long do the Democrats and major media think that Americans will continue to listen to their “nothing to see, folks” mantras, while more and more evidence comes to light. Don’t they realize that there’s such a thing as the internet? Don’t they realize that, in this day and age, NOT EVERYTHING can be censored or supressed? Well, whether the Democrats and major media realize it or not, the American public is on to them. More and more Americans are coming to the conclusion that the election WAS corrupted. A MAJORITY, actually. The latest poll from Rasmussen revealed that LESS THAN HALF of all respondents (49%) believe Joe Biden legitimately won the election. LESS THAN HALF! Apparently, this election cycle has caused a majority of Americans to lose faith in our electoral system! Who would have ever though that such a thing would come to pass? And, this well justified suspicion has continued to deepen despite major media constantly shouting from the rooftops that Biden won “fair and square.”

Democrats and America’s media are fond of characterizing election skeptics as “conspiracy nuts,” “right wing extremists” and “deceptive Republican activists.” Well, in response to those dismissive characterizations, I would suggest that people view the following interview. The interviewee is Trey Trainor, the Chairman of the Federal Election Committee (FEC). It can be accessed through the following link:

As the viewer will immediately see, Mr. Trainor is: 1) Not a nut. 2) Not a conspiracy theorist. 3) Not a “right winger.” 4) Not an extremist. 5) Not deceptive, and, 6) Not an activist. He is, rather, the HEAD of the non partisan governmental agency that oversees the federal aspects of our elections. His conclusion: Biden’s victory is ILLEGITIMATE!

So, fight on Mr. President. Do not let the usurpers win. And, when this is all over, let’s make sure that America works to prevent this from ever happening again. It won’t even be that difficult. It’s not rocket science. A simple thing like mandating bipartisan observation and oversight could make all the difference. And it would go a long way to help a majority of our citizens restore their faith in our electoral process.

Fight on Mr. President. BE THE STORM!

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