NOT About Trump October 30, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM/Little Sister

Last week’s essay, “Get off the Fence,” emphasized the significance of the coming election. Today, as we draw closer to election day, the message has to be even more blunt: VOTE FOR TRUMP! It doesn’t matter how much you dislike President Trump’s personality. It doesn’t matter how asinine his tweets sometimes seem. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a “Never Trumper” in the past. This election, amazingly, is NOT about Trump. It’s time to get real: Joe Biden and the radical wing that has taken over the Democrat Party are not viable options for this country.

Disregard, if you must, Biden’s abject dementia and Harris’s extreme, yet flippant, socialist radicalism (she has been rated the MOST radical member of the Senate, more so, even, than Bernie Sanders!) you simply can’t ignore what’s happened to the Democrat party. Even though the party’s horrible shift away from traditional liberalism and headlong acceptance of the radical leftist agenda (who, in their right mind would advocate defunding the police?) has been hidden by main stream media, the transformation of the Democrat party is evident for all those open minded enough to look. The fact that the Democrats are seeing an exodus by groups that, in the past, were staunchly Democrat, should make the true character of today’s Democrat Party clear. The #walkaway movement was started and subscribed to by GAY AND LESBIAN activists (solid liberals, each one) disillusioned with what has become of the Democrats. Likewise #BLEXIT (Black Exit) was started and subscribed to by black activists (former Democrats, all). Further, #Jexit (Jewish Exit) was started and subscribed to by Jewish activists (former Democrats, all). These groups have all realized what the main stream media most wants to hide: the Democrat party has become a self serving organization specializing in deception, false promises and betrayal of working class Americans, their traditional base.

Even more appalling than Democrat’s socioeconomic malfeasance, is their continuing tolerance and tacit encouragement of leftist violence. Murder and mayhem in major Democrat controlled cities across our country last summer was largely abetted by Democrat “leaders” both in those cities and nationally. In fact, Biden mentioned the summer’s ongoing violence only ONCE during the ENTIRE Democrat convention, and that was on the last day of the convention, and only after party analysts realized that he had to, at least, say SOMETHING about it. He then proffered only a milquetoast critique.

And the violence didn’t end with the coming of autumn. It CONTINUES, in fact, up to today. Just look at what’s going on, right now, in Philadelphia, where rioting, looting and arson, once again grip the city. These aren’t “peaceful protests,” ladies and gentlemen. They aren’t even “mostly peaceful protests.” They are violent riots in which criminals run amuck through the city unchecked. The “cause” of the current mayhem is, purportedly, the police shooting of Walter Wallace, a manic depressive black man coming at police officers (who had been CALLED to the scene by alarmed bystanders) ARMED WITH A KNIFE. What were the offices to do? Let themselves be stabbed and/or murdered? The Wallace family maintains that Wallace was mentally disturbed. Even so, that fact didn’t make him any less dangerous. Perhaps better psychiatic medications and psychological care might have prevented his death, but those considerations are completely irrelevant to the clear and present danger the officers found themselves, and bystanders, in. Wallace was killed in self defense and to safeguard the community. None-the-less, “protests” and rioting rage on. At least 30 police officers have been injured so far. And while chaos reigns, “protesters“ have been carting away wide screen TV’s and appliances by the truck load. Amazingly, in one confrontation, police were forced to FLEE as they were assaulted with rocks, bricks and wood. You can view this shocking incident through the following link. Make sure to have the sound on:

How could the police officers retreat in the face of all the crime and violence? Well, for one, they were vastly outnumbered. And, two, they were in a “no win” situation; if they responded with necessary force they would face charges of “police brutality” or worse. These police officers knew that neither Philadelphia’s liberal Democrat mayor, Jim Kenney, nor Philadelphia’s liberal Democrat attorney general, Josh Shapiro, would support them.

These astonishing facts should be a reality check for Americans. Do we want continued violence in our cities, stirred up by excuses that pass for justification? Do we want to be afraid to go downtown? Do we want to see rows of boarded up businesses and devastated neighborhoods?

So, dear readers, we don’t care how silly Trump’s tweets can be. We don’t care how maladroit his off the cuff comments sometimes are. This election is NOT about Trump. This election is about the future of our nation, our democracy, and the safety of our citizens. Democrats have proven, time and time again, that they are either unwilling or unable to stand up to the outrageous violence afflicting our nation. And, don’t believe liberal media propaganda: Trump is NOT the threat to democracy. The liberal, “progressive” left is. Their continued tolerance of violence, their continued refusal to back the police, their continued refusal to accept the results of the LAST election, and their continued refusal to allow the discussion of any viewpoints other than their own, are the true threats to democracy.

All of the above are signs and symptoms of America’s worsening disease: leftist radicalism. The antitoxin, dear readers? There’s only one:


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1 Comment

  1. Biden has Dementia. He was juiced up for the third debate so he didn’t dribble when he talked.
    Biden is pro Abortion in the Ninth Month.
    Biden has been selling us out to China, he’s their hand puppet.
    Biden is a Socialist, and going that route, the next step is communism.

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