Actions Speak October 4, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written In Conjunction With Guest Writer Little Sister/LRM

Well, the first presidential debate is now history. There was certainly a lot of sound and fury on both sides. Both candidates didn’t mince words and the debate morphed into something approaching a schoolyard brawl with plenty of name calling, especially from Biden.

Since the incendiary repartee often clouded either candidate’s respective positions and plans for our nation, we need to look at not just what was said, but to consider the candidate’s words in the context of their history and actions. Actions, as they say, speak louder than words.

While Joe Biden, during the debate, was sinking to new lows, calling President Trump a “clown”, a “racist”, a”fool” and ”Putin’s puppy”, one thing soon became apparent: Joe Biden has NO plan for governing the United States of America. During the entire 90 minutes he was able to articulate NOTHING that was coherent. He couldn’t even be prompted to convincingly commit to SUPPORTING LAW AND ORDER, for goodness sake! And, looking at his actions historically, we don’t find much of a plan there, either. As vice-President, he put forth nothing of any note other than foriegn trade negotiations that unashamedly served his personal interest and that of his family (Hunter Biden reaped MILLIONS of dollars from China, Russia and the Ukraine, while Dad was “negotiating” with them). But Biden did distinguish his Vice Presidential years with one startling fact: he advised President Barack Obama NOT to execute Osama bin Laden when the opportunity presented itself! As Senator, he was “catch as catch can” as well. One especially telling anecdote from his Senate years dates back to October, 2001. Just one month after the September 11th, 2001 attacks, Biden proposed sending 200 MILLION DOLLARS, “no strings attached” TO IRAN, as a kind of “peace offering” no less! After WE were attacked! But, not only is Biden bereft of coherent plans, the Democrats, as a whole, don’t appear to have them either. Regarding crime, for example, both Biden and his Democrat colleagues spout nostrums like: “we all need to get together” and we need to “get the community involved” and such, but NOTHING concrete. In contrast, President Trump’s plans for America are clear: He supports the police. He supports racial equality. He insists upon law and order. He is for energy independence. He’s for taxes high enough to provide essential governmental services, but low enough to support a robust economy. He’s against anti American indoctrination of our children. He’s against endless and fruitless wars. He’s for a strong and state-of-the-art military. He will NOT let other nations dictate policy to us. And, he will not let America’s leftist cabal dictate policy to us, either. He’s for a tight border and the sovereign rights of all nations, INCLUDING ours, to maintain them. He’s against poorly vetted immigration. In short, “Make America Great Again” is not just a campaign slogan for him, it is a way of life. And, he’s not just talk and promises, he’s gotten RESULTS. He gave us the lowest unemployment rate among blacks in the history of our republic. He guided our nation into what the Wall Street Journal called “the greatest and the quickest economic recovery IN HISTORY.” And the income gains he ushered in were experienced across the entire wage spectrum with the poorest of the working class, gratifyingly, enjoying the largest gains. He stood up to China to get more equitable trade treaties as well as a long needed commitment to protect our intellectual property. He’s gone farther toward achieving peace in the Middle East than ANY other American President. His management of the COVID pandemic resulted in fatality statistics that are TEN TIMES LESS than what was predicted by the epidemiological experts back in March. His “Operation Warp Speed” has MILLIONS of doses of COVID vaccines in the pipeline for November or December. And, he’s got the government distributing, right this very minute, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION rapid COVID test kits, to help quell the pandemic. And, despite the great challenge that COVID has presented, he’s never-the-less guiding the reopening of our economy quickly but safely.

Conversely, during the debate, Biden evaded questions again and again. When he did answer a question, his responses were vague, devious or, occasionally, down right preposterous. At one point, for example, Biden said that police entering dangerous situations SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PSYCHIATRIST, who, he said, “might be able to ‘defuse’ the situation!” He ACTUALLY said that! Are we to believe that when police are confronted with a violent individual, perhaps high on the hallucinogen PCP or some other mind altering drug, that a psychiatrist could come in and reason with that person???? Good luck with that! AND, where does Mr. Biden think he’s going to FIND a psychiatrist willing to participate in such dangerous missions? Good luck with that, too! While it is true that psychiatrists may have an occasional role to play in police work, it almost always involves situations where someone presents a risk to THEMSELVES (such as a bridge jumper, for example) or, very rarely, hostage negotiations. Psychiatrists have NO role in trying to manage a perpetrator that is a DANGER TO OTHERS, including the police, bystanders and even the psychiatrist himself.

Further on the topic of crime, President Trump also indicated that he is not about to allow the looting, burning and destruction of our cites and buildings at the hands of Black Lives Mater and Antifa insurgents. Most importantly, he indicated that he will NOT stand for “defunding the police”, surely one of the most asinine ideas of all time! He stipulated to the mayors of Seattle, Portland and New York that the primary role of government is to protect its citizens, and if they were unable or unwilling to do so, he would have the federal government forces do so instead.

And, Biden’s “plans” for the economy, while slightly less preposterous than the “defusing psychiatrist” scheme, were not well grounded in reality either. From fantasies that the massive cost of proposed “green new deal” type policies would be recouped by “reducing the damage from hurricanes and forest fires,” to fantasies of the supposed massive numbers of jobs that such programs would create, his proposals were far far removed from the real world. At several points in the debate, he rambled vaguely about climate change and “green jobs.” Unfortunately, all green power sources to date have required massive government subsidies to try to make them economically viable. However, all government subsidies come, ultimately, from us, the long suffering tax payers. The cost of the proposed environmental policy that Democrats now favor has been estimated to be in the TRILLIONS. But, the federal government takes in “only” about 3 1/2 trillion dollars a year in taxes, and that amount has to cover all our expenses, not just the new environmental programs. As a consequence, such programs will, dear reader, have one inevitable consequence: dramatic INCREASES IN YOUR TAXES! Anyone up for that?… I didn’t think so.

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