One Simple Point: What Happens Next? June 13, 2020/ Uncategorized

As the American media continues its embrace of absurdity, the populace is bombarded daily with claims and accusations, one crazier than the last. We hear again and again how racist we are. How unjust we are. How repressive the government is. Etc. But among all of these slogans, the most preposterous ones are the calls to “defund the police.”

“Defund the police???!!!!” Only in contemporary America would such a terrible idea receive serious coverage. But, as unbelievable as it is, such demands are all over our incredibly naive media:

I could have printed a thousand similar pictures, but I think it’s clear from what I have posted that these lunatics are many.

But not only are calls to the “defund the police” reported by our media, they are, in many instances, GLORIFIED. They are said to signal the ascent of a “new spirit” in America. Harbingers of a “new and brighter era.” They are predicted to usher in a “new and just society.” Etc.

To these dangerously naive activists I have one simple question: “Defund the police and WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?”

What happens next, after the police have gone, when the first woman is raped? Is all that we have to offer her going to be A SUPPORT GROUP? Psychotherapy?

What happens next when the first child is abducted?

What happens next when the first innocent individual is mugged and beaten?

What happens next when the first person is murdered?

What happens next when “no go zones” crop up in America, like those seen in many European cities?

What happens next when vigilante groups begin to prowl our cities as seen in many areas of the Mid East?

What happens next when anarchy and chaos grip our country?

Yes, dear readers, my one simple point here is a question: If we defund the police, “WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?”

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