Campaign 2020 Kicks Off January 27, 2020/ Uncategorized

(A Photo Essay)

Well, dear readers, the front cover of New York Magazine last week featured a portrait of the four top Democrat candidates as things stand going into the Iowa caucuses.

Has anyone ever seen a more unprepared, incompetent, and downright kooky collection of candidates offered to the American public by a major political party, EVER? Can anyone even IMAGINE a more unprepared, incompetent and downright kooky collection of candidates?…

Biden continuously amazes the American public by his apparently unstoppable need to fondle and SNIFF women and girls. Even after he has been caught numerous times on camera doing so and even with his handlers taking every precaution to try to prevent it from happening, Biden just CAN’T seem to control himself!

Then, in his latest bizarre act, Biden takes the unusual step of taking a bite of his wife’s hand as she is waving her arms while speaking on his behalf.

In short, Biden appears to be nothing less than a senile pervert who remains a contender in the 2020 race simply because he looks MORE STABLE that the rest of the bunch!

Bernie Sanders continues to amaze the American public with his wild eyed countenance, innapropriate shouting, sputtering.

He carries on like a madman, often with his arms akimbo.

Overall, he gives the impression of an individual that has gone stark raving crazy.

And, the remarkable thing is, his political nostrums match his crazy persona to a tee. Put it all together and Sanders proves himself to be a senile old coot, who’d be harmless only to himself, were he not vying for America’s most important job.

Then, Elizabeth Warren, despite continually sinking in the polls, amazes the American public by remaining, at least so far, in the mix. Apparently she’s able to hang in there simply because she’s NOT the other two. Her honesty and integrity have been impugned numerous times (not just as “Pocahontas”, but her claims of overcoming job discrimination as well as other disingenuousness). In fact, she’s proven to be SO dishonest that even her “comrade in arms” Bernie Sanders was compelled to call her a LIAR during the most recent debate.

And even when she is not lying outright, the positions she has been espousing are nothing short of flights of fancy.

And, Warren comes off as, perhaps, the ONLY person in America that is LESS likable than Hillary Clinton, if such a thing is possible. In short, Warren comes in loud and clear as a condescending vituperative liar that has lost touch with reality.

Last, Pete Buttigieg continues to amaze by remaining in the mix by claiming to represent normal Americans while frequently giving evidence that he’s anything but. His countenance reminds one of nothing other that Alfred E. Newman, the perennial mascot of Mad magazine.

His goofy looks and goofy demeanor work together to make his candidacy preposterous. Does ANYONE think that this small town mayor would be able to stand up to the likes of Vladimir Putin

Kim Jung Un

Or Ali Khamenei

…I didn’t think so. Then, of course, there is the life style issue. Below is a photo of Buttigieg and his husband, showing that they are nothing more than a typical American couple, in a loving relationship, just like you and me.

And, in a heartwarming shot, they are not afraid to show a bit of affection either.

Should Buttigieg be elected, I can just imagine the look on Putin, Kim or Khamenei’s face when they’re handed the intelligence dossier on him: AH HA!… THANK YOU GOD/BUDDAH/ALLAH!… IT’S OPEN SEASON ON AMERICA BOYS!…LET’S GET DOWN TO IT!… And then ALL HELL will break loose! Tanks will roll into Kiev. Missiles will fly over Japan. And Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz. Just like THAT!… So, for all these reasons, Buttigieg appears to be nothing less than a lightweight and certainly NOT ready for the big leagues.

As I said above, can anyone IMAGINE a more unprepared, incompetent and downright kooky collection of candidates?… I didn’t think so.

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1 Comment

  1. It is very hard to believe that these 4 things are running for president. Are they the best the democrats have got to offer ….OMG they are in trouble…….God help us

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