Kaepernick Strikes Yet Again

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ December 4, 2019/ Uncategorized

Well it seems that chronic whiner and longtime malcontent, Colin Kaepernick, is at it yet again. This poster child for all leftist causes must have gotten bored. After his 15 minutes of fame disrespecting America’s flag, its National Anthem, our police and armed forces, and our country in general, this national disgrace (as Marine veteran Jeremy Stat succinctly put it) must have felt quite neglected while out of the limelight. (Please see: “Kaepernick Strikes Again”, EmperorsNuClothes.com, July 6, 2019, for the backstory). So, what’s a neglected showboat to do? Grab some more headlines, of course. Again. And again.

On November 17, 2019, Kaepernick “invited” representatives of all the National Football League teams to come and watch him workout. How exciting! This opportunity must be up there with an invitation to view Kathy Griffin rehearsing her new routine. Or attending a cocktail party hosted by that bon vivant, Adam Schiff. But, the NFL, having been already fleeced by Kaepernick once for millions of dollars in a contractual forced arbitration (he sued the NFL claiming that all the NFL teams CONSPIRED to blackball him), the league teams ALL sent scouts to watch him! They weren’t going to be fleeced again. So, having all the Scouts lined up for the great event, what does Kaepernick do?… He DOESN’T SHOW UP!… That’s right, folks, he simply doesn’t show!

So, you’d think that’d be the end of the matter… NOT SO!… Kaepernick decides that he really does want to have the event he reneged on, and, incredibly, schedules ANOTHER work out! Dutifully, NFL scouts attend the blessed event, but, afterwards, NO team calls with an offer! Kaepernick is… AMAZED! So, at this juncture, you’d think that Kaepernick would schedule some extra sessions with his psychotherapist, get his lithium dose adjusted, and THAT would be the end of the matter…. NOT SO!… He comes up with yet another headline grabber.

Having maligned our flag, our anthem, our police, our military, the NFL and our country, you might think there isn’t really anything left to malign…. NOT SO!… There is, amazingly, something that he had yet to insult:… THANKSGIVING!… Yes, that’s right:… THANKSGIVING!… I bet you didn’t know that giving thanks to our Creator for the blessings of life and liberty is OFFENSIVE. And that the Pilgrim’s sharing the fruits of their first harvest in the New World with Native Americans (53 Pilgrims hosted 90 Native Americans in October, 1621, with a feast that lasted 3 days) is OFFENSIVE. Well, apparently to Kaepernick and his petulant leftist comrades, it is.

Kaepernick chose to celebrate what is called “unthansksgiving” with Native American protesters on Alcatraz Island commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the occupation of that island in 1969 by Native American activists. Never mentioned by participants in the event are some important points.

First, though it can not be denied that Western Europeans largely displaced the indigenous peoples of America, the tribes that existed at the time of European arrival were semi-nomadic and didn’t really “own” land in the way we think of it. So, the Pilgrims didn’t really “steal” anything. Second, the the Native American tribes were, at the time of European arrival, a STONE AGE CULTURE. Specifically, a Neolithic culture, because they had polished tools. (Source: Carol, Al, 2014: www.histclo.com). I wonder how many of today’s Native American activists would actually like to turn the clock back and return to the Stone Age?

So, Kaepernick, unaware of such considerations, joined in solidarity with Native American protestors to besmirch a wonderful American tradition. In a way, it makes sense that Kaepernick would trumpet the “unthanksgiving” cause, as, on a personal level, he appears perennially ungrateful. Ungrateful for the society that gave him parents (he was adopted), an education and a lucrative career in sports. He would, it would appear, to be the ultimate ingrate. “Unthankful” to his core.

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