Yet Another Impeachment Narrative! November 26, 2019/ Uncategorized

Yesterday I posted an essay listing an astonishing number of impeachment narratives (EIGHTEEN) that have been aimed at President Trump. As unbelievable as this may sound, yet another narrative has surfaced just today. This one involves lots of dramatic details: a navy seal, WAR CRIMES, Presidential pardons and conniving Navy brass.

Through the auspices of our beloved media we learned over and over again today that President Trump ordered Navy Secretary Richard Spencer to restore a Navy Seal’s rank and retirement benefits. And, we learned over and over again, that the Seal in question is Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher who commited… WAR CRIMES!!!

It all SOUNDS pretty bad, doesn’t it??? Like, maybe they’ve found the NINETEENTH reason to impeach our President?!!!… To which I, once again, must politely say… BULLS**T!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know what the “WAR CRIME” Gallagher was said to have committed?… Was it killing an innocent person?… Was it deserting his troop?… Was it torturing a prisoner?… Was it killing women and children?… No, it wasn’t…. It wasn’t for any of those things. It was for posing for a photo with the corpse of a dead ISIS fighter… Yep, that’s it! This brave soldier went into mortal combat to defend you and I, emerged victorious and then is disciplined for…. a PHOTOGRAPH??!!!…. Please!!!…

And, regarding ordering Secretary Richard Spencer to restore Gallagher’s status, President Trump is well within his rights to do so. He is, after all, Commander And Chief. It is his prerogative. And, regarding the appropriateness of Mr. Trump’s actions, has everyone forgotten that the last Commander and Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, pardoned DESERTER Bowe Bergdahl, who’s desertion resulted in the DEATH OF SIX servicemen in an attempt to rescue him????… THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is an impeachable offense, NOT the exoneration of Chief Petty Officer Gallagher.

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