Wrong Again And Again

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ September 17, 2019/ Uncategorized

Time and time again America is barraged by false claims and accusations emanating from patently biased and, often, psychologically deranged individuals in both politics and the media. This has been happening so often lately that we have become partially inured to the phenomenon. We should NOT, however, let ourselves become complacent in this regard. False accusations and other misinformation, if not refuted, can engender bad policy decisions by our representatives and can and do win elections. Here’s some recent examples.

First, is the claim that Purdue Pharma is responsible for America’s epidemic of drug addiction. Dozen’s of states have filled suit against Purdue claiming it is culpable in the dependency of Americans on narcotics. This represents yet another case in which a manufacturer has been saddled with liability, not for defective products, but for the USE of of their products. Although the ethical and logical basis for this type of litigation doesn’t make any sense, there are numerous such cases currently in process in American courts. Tobacco companies have been sued for the health problems that arise from the VOLUNTARY use of their cigarettes. Gun makers have been sued when their weapons were used in an assault. It makes you wonder what might be next on the deep pocket litigation conveyor belt? Consider the case of Zachary Castaneda who, on August 9th went on a mass stabbing spree in Garden Grove, California. In the attack four people were murdered. So, are we supposed to sue the makers of STEAK KNIVES?

Furthermore, the phenomena of epidemic narcotic addiction in America can be traced back well into the 1800’s, long before the Purdue Pharma was ever formed. As author D.E. Johnson writes (in “Drug Abuse At The Turn Of The Century”, 5/23/2011) “a higher percentage of Americans were drug addicts in 1900 than in 2010…. As much as 5% of the adult population of the U.S. was addicted to drugs.” The addictions were to morphine, laudanum, cocaine and various “patent medicines” which were often combinations of the above. And, surprisingly, as noted by Dr. Fredrick Hubbard in “The Opiate Habit and Alcoholism” (1881), 60% of the addicts were white middle and upper class women! So, Purdue Pharma is the cause of our addiction epidemic?… Wrong!

Next, House Judiciary Chairman Gerald Nadler continues, pretty much like a sad clown, his nonsensical quest for impeachment of President Trump on the flimsiest of grounds. In addition to the obstruction of justice claim (a charge which even the industrious, obsessive and HIGHLY motivated Robert Mueller was unable to make stick), Nadler plans to invoke the so called emoluments clause from our Constitution (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8), which prohibits government employees from accepting gifts or otherwise enriching themselves as a result of their governmental position. Nadler’s strategy, if you want to call it that, is that, since many foreign dignitaries stay at his hotels, Mr. Trump is, thereby, profiting from his Presidency. Even if one overlooks the obvious double standard evidenced Nadler’s apparent disinterest in other “emolument violators” (Bill Clinton’s use of the Lincon Bedroom for wealthy donors, for example, or Hillary’s robust “pay to play” schemes), the allegation is absurd on its face. It turns out that the Presidency has been particularly hard on Mr. Trump’s bottom line. On August 14, 2019, Forbes Magazine estimated that Mr. Trump has LOST about 1.4 BILLION dollars since assuming the Presidency! (www.forbes.com) So, Mr. Trump is profiting from the Presidency, Mr. Nadler?… Wrong! Again.

Last, the New York Times on Saturday (September 14, 2019) published what they thought would be a blockbuster exposé. Supposedly, they uncovered another case of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The lurid accusations set forth in the piece were seized upon by the cadre of Democratic Presidential candidates who, with self righteous indignation, went on to immediately call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. The trouble is that the Times left out some important information. HOW important you ask? VERY important. WHAT information you ask? Well, they left out the fact that the supposed victim, Harmon Joyce, told friends that SHE HAD NO RECOLLECTION OF THE INCIDENT!… AND, furthermore, Ms. Joyce has REFUSED to speak with investigators or the media!… AND, that the story originated in allegations made by Max Stier, an attorney connected to… the Clintons!… AND, the allegations didn’t even come directly from Stier!… They were, supposedly, relayed to the Times reporter by two “officials” that said they had heard it from Stier!… So THAT is the level of verification that prevails at the Times today?… Shocking! Even CNN called the investigation “botched” and said the Times was “reeling” as a result. So, this unverified report was the proper justification for nearly EVERY Democratic candidate to call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment?… Wrong! Again and again!

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