Between Damage Control And Outright Denial March 24, 2019/ Uncategorized

The ink isn’t yet dry on Special Council Robert Mueller’s report, and the document has not publicly released, but our Democratic Congressional representatives have already assumed a posture that lies somewhere between damage control and outright denial.

Heading the outright denial response is House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. After over a year in which he professed great confidence in Robert Mueller and his investigation, Mr. Schiff now REJECTS Mueller’s apparent conclusion that neither candidate Trump nor his campaign officers committed offenses worthy of indictment. Mueller’s decision not to call for further indictments was made after nearly two YEARS of intense scrutiny by Mueller himself and a contingent of highly trained investigators, attorneys and prosecutors, many of whom were openly partisan and many of whom harbored thinly veiled animus toward Mr. Trump. Does Schiff think that after all of this, there is still some smoking gun to find? And, if he does think there is a “smoking gun” out there, does he think that HE will find it? If so, that would cement the impression that many of us have that Schiff is a rather pathetic soul. Why so? Because, if he harbors those suspicions STILL, he must be blissfully unaware that Robert Mueller is quite clever, whereas he is not. Lack of self awareness is indeed a pitiable trait.

Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer, will try to shore up damage control. Undoubtably, they will first try to shift the narrative from the lack of further indictments, to how much of the, as yet, classified report should be made public. They will surely demand the full unredacted version, protocol, tradition and national security be damned. And, second, they will likely try to focus on how the investigation DID uncover evidence of Russian interference in our electoral process, a that finding, they will say, is something that “every American should be concerned about”, or some such prattle.

Russian interference, however, is a big surprise to absolutely NO ONE, and a two year investigation by Mueller, et al., wasn’t needed to reveal that. What the investigation was SUPPOSED to be about is not whether or not Russia interfered, but whether candidate Trump colluded with Russia in doing so. Not only did the investigation turn up empty handed, but in the process it managed to harass and distract our President and his team incessantly. And, further more, while this ruse was being carried out, attention was turned away from what amounts to a REAL case of Russian collusion. I’m referring, of course, to Christopher Steel, who, working closely with agents in Russia, created an official looking, but completely fabricated “dossier” implicating Mr. Trump in various nefarious activities. This was done in conjunction with opposition research firm Fusion GPS. That “dossier” has been definitively shown to have been PAID for by the law firm Perkins Coie acting at the direction of the DNC and Hillary Clinton. THAT collusion resulted in illegal domestic surveillance of the Trump Campaign by way of an unjustified FISA warrant that was based upon it. Attention has also been diverted from James Comey’s self admitted felonious leaking of classified information. Not to mention the Uranium One scandal, Hillary’s unsecured communications and obstruction of justice felonies, quid quo pro influence peddling again by Hillary, Susan Rice’s illegal unmasking of private citizens in government surveillance, Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s illegal meeting with Bill Clinton during the investigation of Hillary, and others. It is a sad fact that the Mueller investigation derailed much needed prosecution for all of these felonies, allowing the perpetrators to get away with crimes committed IN PLAIN SIGHT. And, the investigation constituted a serious distraction for both the legislative and executive branches from the important work of governing our country.

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1 Comment

  1. Pat lets hope all that from the fisa dossier to the Mueller report will now be taken care of by AG BARR..

    Check out wwwconvention of Article 5, I believe this is why Anton Scalia was murdered.

    Xoxo. Geri & Jeff

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