Do Not Miss It! October 16, 2018/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, I don’t usually do movie reviews and I’m certainly no Jeffery Lyons (CBS movie reviewer), but I saw a movie last night that I must crow about. The movie has the unlikely name, “Dummycrats”, and it was made by the black conservative duo called Diamond and Silk (D&S). I bought tickets because they often espouse views quite similar to mine. This fact is remarkable because in some ways their background and life histories are very different from my own. There is one very important similarity though: Diamond and Silk are sisters and both were brought up, like me, in a loving home with mother and father in attendance.

Even though I enjoy their internet videos immensely, I wasn’t sure how good they’d be in a full movie format. I was also a little put off by the name. I’m, in general, not fond of childish word plays on names (Obummer, Democraps, and the like). No matter how much I dislike someone or something, I give them the honor of insulting them by their real name.

Anyway, despite my misgivings, the movie was FABULOUS. It was, by turns, hysterically funny, breathtakingly blunt and, at times, poignant and sad. Altogether it was both entertaining and stimulating.

Because it plays to a “niche” audience. it will probably not have a long run in theaters. So, folks, plan to see it soon. Bottom line: DON’T MISS IT!

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