A Leftist Photo Album

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ September 13, 2018/ Uncategorized

There was NO one more disappointed than I with the 2008 election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States. I just KNEW that he was a dishonest individual with a chip on his shoulder and an axe to grind that would harm our country. These suspicions, unfortunately, were more than born out during his tenure. Despite my profound displeasure at the choice the electorate had made, I never once considered violently protesting it. Nor did I dwell on memes of “resist” and “push back”. Nor did I display images of murder, flag burning and effigy. Nor did I advocate or participate in riots. I came to accept that the people had spoken and that Obama’s election, and shocking re-election, were the will of the electorate, and, as a loyal American, I would have to accept Obama’s victory, whether I liked it or not.

Unfortunately, today’s leftists, liberals, “progressives” and Democrats do NOT, apparently, have the same maturity and equanimity. Their reaction to the Trump presidency has been nothing short of HYSTERICAL. And, the hysteria has taken on a shocking and macabre flavor as violent protests and gruesome memes have exploded in the public square.

It took just a few minutes on the web to find quite a number of lovely images posted by America’s leftists, some in MAJOR MEDIA VENUES (Time Magazine, for one, as shown bellow). I’ll call the images a “leftist photo album”. I’ll repost some of them below for the reader’s contemplation….What follows, ladies and gentlemen, are the feverish fantasies of “the resistance”:

That’s it folks! A leftist photo album!….


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  1. The response of the so called liberal progressives to President Trump’s election has been truly frightening. The “liberals” are in the process of redefining themselves as “fascists”.
    They desperately fear their loss of power and believe the end justifies the means for them to do anything to get that power back. Fascism and a dictatorship may come to America but not from President Trump but rather from the “resistance “ who are unable to see the truth about themselves!

  2. Absolutely correct Linda. Several political sages over the years have predicted such. The editor of the New Republic, Bruce Bliven, wrote the following, in NINETEEN THIRTY SEVEN: “If and when fascism makes any headway in America, it will probably be known as “Anti-Fascism.” Lo and behold, that’s exactly what’s happening now!

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