Newspeak And The “Antifa” September 1, 2017/ Uncategorized

One of the most prescient leitmotifs in George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece 1984 was the concept of “Newspeak.” Mr. Orwell showed how the manipulation of language was an essential tool of “Big Brother” (the totalitarian state). Orwell realized that changing the meaning of words was essential to control the masses. For example, “Joycamp” was a forced labor concentration camp. “Miniluv” was the secret police. “Minuplenti” was a government agency charged with maintaining a certain level of poverty. “Blackwhite” refers to the people’s willingness to believe that black is white and vice versa.

Indeed, Orwell was right. Totalitarian rulers NEED to control the way people think. This is important in the perpetuation of the totalitarian state, but it’s also important in the ESTABLISHMENT of the totalitarian state Propagandists and provocateurs twist the meaning of words in their struggle to bring about a totalitarian “utopia”.

And so it is with contemporary totalitarian “wana be’s”. Many people in today’s world, wittingly or unwittingly, embrace the totalitarian ideology. They rarely call it “totalitarian” as such, but by advocating limits on the freedom of speech, advocating all pervasive government power, advocating forced economic equality and advocating government control of markets, they are, in fact, campaigning for “Big Brother.”

The premier advocates of totalitarianism in today’s America have learned Orwell’s lesson well. The so called “antifa” is newspeak writ large. The term is an abbreviated conglomeration (verbal conglomeration, by the way, as well as abbreviation is extremely common in newspeak) of “anti” and “fascist”. One would THINK, accordingly, that such a group would reject the fascist program. One would THINK that they would renounce violence. One would THINK they would renounce censorship. One would THINK that they would reject an all powerful government. One would THINK they would reject “thought control.” One would certainly THINK these things. But, it is becoming abundantly clear that “antifa” rejects NONE of these things. Expecting “antifa” to reject all of the above is “oldthink”. “Antifa” supports all of these aspects of fascism, but, somehow, insists that they are ANTI FASCIST! Newspeak indeed!

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