The Real Russian Collusion
While Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian attorney is being blown up to absurd proportions, there is curiously little being said about a DIFFERENT Russia connection. Unlike Donald Trump Jr.’s activities, which were perfectly legal, the OTHER Russia connection is highly illegal. The other Russia connection is a felony violation of several bribery statutes. So why have we heard so little about it? Was it done clandestinely? Was it inconsequential? Was it a minor affair?
The answers to these questions are surprising: Was it done clandestinely? NO, it wasn’t. While it certainly wasn’t publicized, it was carried out in proper government channels. Was it inconsequential? NO, it involved a bribe of at least 31.3 MILLION DOLLARS for a deal that is worth BILLIONS. Was it a minor affair? No, it involved one of the top cabinet posts in the government of the United States of America.
Turns out the perpetrator of this Russia collusion was a certain Hillary Clinton. As is usual with the clever Mrs. Clinton, she covered her tracks well, but when this issue is scrutinized it stinks to high heaven.
The following chronology is taken from an article in the New York Times by Jo Becker and Mike McIntire, published on April 23, 2015. The article is titled: “Cash Flowed To Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal”. The interested reader can, and should, access this article on line. During Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, a Russian investor, Frank Giustra, made a 31.3 MILLION DOLLAR “donation” to the Clinton Foundation. Mr. Giustra just happened to have a major stake in a Russian company Uranium One. In addition to Mr. Giustra’s contribution there were several other very large donations from individuals involved in the deal. Uranium One was then granted rights to 20% of the United States’ uranium processing, a deal worth billions. The deal was opposed by many key US officials, including the American Ambassador to Russia under Barack Obama, Mr. Michael McFaul. Mr. McFaul was quoted by the New York Times, verbatim: “Should we be concerned? Aboslutely. Do we want Mr. Putin to have a monopoly on this? Of course we don’t. We don’t want to be dependent on Mr. Putin for anything in this climate.”
As one of eight US departments that have a say in allowing or disallowing such a deal, the State Department under Mrs. Clinton would have had the power to block the deal, throwing it up to the president to decided. So with high level objections to the deal, did Mrs. Clinton block the deal? No. No, she didn’t. The deal went through, and Russia (and Mr. Putin) became the big winners, as of course did the Clinton Foundation.
As it is said in Latin: Quoniam res ipsa loquitur. (The thing speaks for itself). This is the REAL Russia collusion. The Trump Jr. stuff is small change.The uranium deal is what really warrants a Special Prosecutor.