No Evidence
There is a fundamental principle of epistemology (the study of how we determine truth) that bears referencing in these somewhat muddled times. This principle may be somewhat subtle, as I know personally several otherwise intelligent individuals that either don’t grasp the concept, or, if they do, don’t really believe it. The principle involves the logic of proof, and, at least on the face of it, is simple enough: “Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence.” I know it sounds like a non sequitur, or at least a tongue twister. But it’s not. It is a fundamental principle of logic. An example: Because I HAVEN’T seen an angel, DOESN’T mean that angels don’t exist. It simply means that I haven’t seen one. In fact, there may be an angel standing behind me right now! I simply haven’t seen him. This principle, when applied to religion, for example, explains why atheism is NOT a logical intellectual position (agnosticism is). So it will serve us well to remember this basic principle of logic as we take a critical look at the catch phrase of the month: “No Evidence.”…
Today, Mr. James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (that rascally chameleon) once again came to the forefront of contemporary American politics with his appearance before Congress. And what did this Machiavellian weasel have to say? Three guesses, only!…Yes, you guessed it: There was “NO EVIDENCE.”! That sums up it up! “NO EVIDENCE” of wiretapping or surveillance at Trump Tower. The press let out a collective sigh of relief! The liberal/”progressive” contingent began to crow. All was right with the world again. We can all sleep well tonight!…Unfortunately, this proclamation does NOT mean that wiretapping/surveillance did not take place. It just means that Mr. Comey and the Keystone Cops under his direction don’t have any evidence of it, or any evidence that they care to admit. Now, considering the FBI’s ostensibly terrible record (over the past couple of decades) of not obtaining evidence on terrorists, criminals, traitors, hackers and the like, does this proclamation really give us a conclusion that we can believe in?…Well, does it?…I didn’t think so. If someone (the FBI, CIA, DNC, DOJ, FISA, Russians, British or someone else) were to carry out surveillance at Trump Tower, wouldn’t they take pains to do so in a clandestine way that might be difficult for the Keystone Cops to find and/or document? They would, of course, and we have here a beautiful example of “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
Another telling example of the “No Evidence” ploy used, in this case, extensively by the leftist media, concerns the voting process of the great state of California. That state does NOT require proof of citizenship to vote. As hard as it is to believe, under the watchful eye of the “Flower Child” Governor Jerry Brown, on October 11, 2016 a law was passed (Called the “Motor Voter” Law. YES that’s TRULY what it was called!) whereby verbal “declaration” of citizenship together with a Driver’s License will get you into the voting booth! No kidding! That’s all it takes! Now, I think it’s easy to see that, under these circumstances, the number of non citizen votes in California CAN NOT be determined in any accurate way. However, when ever this issue comes up, the liberals/”progressives” immediately, and indignantly, spout: “There’s NO EVIDENCE” of voter fraud!…Well, OF COURSE THERE’S NO EVIDENCE. The non citizen voters don’t walk into the voting sites carrying signs that read “NON CITIZEN HERE” or “VOTER FRAUD IN PROGRESS.” Of COURSE there’s no evidence! But that DOESN’T mean that voter fraud did not occur. The way the system is set up in California, there’s NO way to know. Hundreds of fraudulent votes may have been cast, or millions of fraudulent votes may have been. Without a rigorous proof of citizenship, there’s simply no way to know. Now, considering this, I think it’s clear that changes in California’s law MUST be made. Regarding “in State” elections, the state of California should, of course, be free to enact whatever voting system they like. However, since Presidential and Congressional voting affects the nation as a whole, I believe that the Federal Government should require California to determine proof of voter citizenship or have their electoral votes disqualified in the National Elections. The “No Evidence” argument just doesn’t cut it.
So, in conclusion, the “No Evidence” proclamations, no matter how strident, must be taken with a grain of salt, and America must not be lulled by the balm of “No Evidence” into a state of complacency regarding malfeasance, or possible malfeasance, in the workings of this massive beast we call our Government.
That is hitting the nail on the head…… thank you
Thank you very true