Democracy Under Attack February 9, 2017/ Uncategorized

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has recently caused quite a stir with his statement that “Democracy is under attack.” This meme is making the rounds rapidly among the leftist/liberal/”progressive” coalition. And I must admit, ladies and gentlemen, that I’d have to agree with him: democracy in America IS indeed under attack. But NOT the way he thinks.

First of all, the origin of this meme comes from a book who’s full title is “Democracy Under Attack: How The Media Distort Policy And Politics”. It is written by Malcolm Dean. As you can tell from the subtitle, the author’s assessment of what’s wrong is quite a bit different than Mr. Schneiderman’s. The assault as conceived by Mr. Dean is not from right wing politicians as Mr. Schniederman would have you believe, but, instead, is from the very media that democracies rely upon to maintain an informed electorate. AND it’s not even written about America! (It’s about British politics and media!). None-the-less, Mr. Scheiderman and other denizens of the liberal coalition press ahead and use this phrase enthusiastically as though they made it up. And as though it paints an accurate picture of what is actually going on in America.

Excuse me, but didn’t we just have an election where the will of the people was clearly expressed? Didn’t we just have an Inaguration where there was a peaceful transmission of power? Didn’t we just have an election where the American people came to their own conclusions (despite constant hectoring from the media) and voted accordingly? Didn’t we just have electoral preferences declared not only for the Presidency, but for the House, the Senate, the Governorships, and state and town leadership as well? And haven’t we seen attempts to derail and delegitimize this process overruled and overridden? So, it should be quite apparent that democracy is alive and well in America. But…

But, ladies and gentlemen, our democracy IS under attack. Just not in the way that Mr. Schneiderman supposes.

A partial list of the ways in which our democracy really IS under attack:

1. Violent protests, both racial and political in nature. Increasing violence and riots are the surest way to militarize our country which will result in a de facto reduction in citizen’s rights and a decrease in our fundamental freedoms.
2. Slanted and biased news reporting results in a either an underinformed or misinformed electorate, which CAN NOT, therefore, make proper electoral decisions.
3. The shocking pushback against free speech that has invaded our campuses and spilled out into the public square. The terms “hate speech” and “safe places” are newspeak for CENSORSHIP! If we can’t debate or even discuss problems, how on earth might we SOLVE them?
4. The rise of the lackadaisical and casual voter, who won’t even take the time to register properly to participate. The democrats are currently catering to this group, claiming that it’s “racist” to require proper procedure, but shouldn’t a voter be required to follow a minimum procedure that would guard against fraud. Shouldn’t a voter take his right and duty to vote seriously and commit the time and effort necessary to properly participate?
5. States that do not require photo ID and proof of citizenship to vote. How in the world are we to take their voting results seriously, when some states do not have these rudimentary mechanisms in place. Critics will say, of course, “there’s no PROOF of voter fraud!” Well, DUH!!! Of course there’s no proof; that’s why it’s FRAUD. Fraudulent voters don’t arrive at the voting facility with a sign saying “Illegal immigrant here! Please take note!” Since fraud is, by its very nature clandestine, the onus of proof is on States (like California) to PROVE their tallies are legitimate. How can they do this without photo IDs and proof of citizenship?
6. The penchant that the media and the Democratic elite have for what amounts to a one party system of government. Kind of like Cold War Russia. Remember how well that worked out?
7. The loss of any semblance of bipartisanship, which is the “oil” that allows the “engine of democracy” to run.
8. The alarming rise of “ad hominem” attacks, whereby opposing sides not only attack ideas, but attack PEOPLE as well. How can our governing bodies function properly with out at least a modicum of decorum?
9. Attack from academia. Our youth can’t be expected to have the mind set and attitudes necessary for democracy to flourish, unless they are taught this in school as well as at home. This is not happening.
10. The decrease in prevalence of national pride and civic mindedness. These traits are the “glue” that holds a society toge.ther, but it has become unfashionable at school and at home to express either.
11. The inculcation of false narratives such as Black Lives Matter (unless ended by other blacks, at which point, apparently, they don’t matter) and Islam is a “religion of peace.” When our populace is hammered nearly every day with patently false dictums, no WONDER it’s confused! And a confused populace bodes poorly for democracy.
12. The continued free reign of anti American and malevolent actors such as George Soros and many of the Hollywood cabal, which puts us at risk for riots, sedition and anarchy, all of which can stress and even rend democratic institutions.
13. The continued prevalence in our elected leadership of an elite group of politicians (some of which can be found in both parties) who care much more about their OWN welfare that for the common good. When you have a Congress that votes specifically to exempt themselves from a health care system that they were, at that very moment, FORCING onto the rest of Americans, you KNOW there’s something radically wrong.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen, democracy in America IS indeed under attack. But not from right wing zealots, but, rather, from the variety of forces listed above. Our democracy is strong, however, and we must resist and reverse these forces to KEEP it that way. (Thanks LRM for this essay’s theme!)

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