What Do The Protests Mean?
The New York Times (All The News That Fits, We Print), the Washington Post (since Watergate it’s been all downhill for this has been), CNN (the Counterfeit News Network) and, of course, MSNBC (Misleading & Slanderous News Broadcasting Channel) were ALL foaming at the mouth! They haven’t been this excited since Dan Quayle misspelled “potato”! The Women’s March attendance was HIGH! And solidarity demonstrations did occur (with varying degrees of participation) in many cities ACROSS THE GLOBE! There were headlines galore! Holy moly!
But, what, ladies and gentlemen, do these protests really mean?
Let’s start by tackling the domestic side of this question. In my analysis, the Women’s Marches in America mean the following: First, men should not go around grabbing pussies. NOT the kind that go “MEOWWW”, of course, but the OTHER kind. No grabbing, PULLEASE! Hard to defend that practice, I would agree. (Although in recently Islamized Europe, officials there try to do just that, on a regular basis when attempts to hide the assaults fail). Next, men must not, even in PRIVATE and even in the company of only other men, ever ever discuss sexuality in a manner that would be inappropriate for discourse at, say, the ladies luncheon for the The Sisters of Mount Carmel! So, knock it OFF guys! Next, cynical males must never ever denigrate the outrageous sexual behavior of men who claim to be liberals (think Bill Clinton, or Barney Frank, even). Apparently, it’s OK to be perverted if you are also “progressive” at the same time! Lastly, men must never ever ever even THINK of intimacy unless they have been served a formal, written invitation. In triplicate. Notarized. Got that guys? Good! Now that we’ve got that straightened out, I can proceed to look at the protests beyond our boarders.
Unlike the self evident and/or dubious points discussed above, the international demonstrations tell me one IMPORTANT thing. They tell me how essential America is to this world of ours. If you think about it, why should someone in New Dheli give two hoots who inhabits the Oval Office. Why should someone in Melborne, Nairobi, or Johannesburg care at all about what rights women do or do not have in OUR country? Why should someone in Kosovo care who is appointed to Mr. Trump’s cabinet? Why? The answer is, simply, that what WE do matters deeply to our world. How we govern ourselves, solve our problems, maintain our military, foster alliances, run our economy, educate our children, administer justice, and participate in matters of faith, among many other things, is of great import to the majority of the six billion inhabitants of this planet. No matter what our detractors say, America MATTERS. And, no matter what our critics say, America remains “the light of the world.”