Guest Of Honor
In contrast to the last two Inagurations, the 2017 event had a Guest of Honor that we haven’t heard from in eight years. And, despite his long absence, he played a major roll in the proceedings. I am speaking, ladies and gentlemen, of Jesus Christ.
Under the regime of Barack Obama, our Judeo-Christian ethos became more and more marginalized and our religious heritage was, in essence, abandoned. Jesus was relegated to little more than a kind of premodern “community organizer.”
That sad state of affairs changed dramatically on Friday. During the Inaugural Invocation, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Reverend Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, and Pastor Paula White Cain all referred, independently, not only to God, but also, specifically, to Jesus Christ. And, at the end of the ceremonies, during the benediction, Reverend Franklin Graham and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson did the same. Rabbi Marvin Hier also gave a blessing, and, although he did not, of course, refer to Jesus, he did refer to the Holy City of Jerusalem and the sacred Bible, two mainstays of Christ’s Ministry).
So, after eight long years as something of a “B-lister”, Jesus was, once again, front and center, the Guest of Honor. And for that I would conclude with the Hebrew word Hallelujah (Praise th