Stories of Victimhood
Well, it turns out New York City Muslima (and COLLEGE student) Jasmine Seweid’s “Islamophobic” allegations (that three drunks tried to rip off her hijab) were completely fabricated. So much so that she’s been arrested for filling a false report.
Once again, however, our press corps accepted a Muslim victimhood narrative without scrutiny and without any type of evidence or corroboration. This blind acceptance is, unfortunately, not rare. There have been quite a few similar cases (one that comes immediately to mind is a mosque arson that occurred in Texas about a year ago that turned out to be set by a MUSLIM, apparently for propaganda purposes).
Now, the reason such false reports develop so much “traction” is partially because of the “progressive” agenda smoldering in our society. But, the point I’d like to make here, however, is that the “traction” of such stories derives also from the fact that they are PLAUSIBLE. In fact, knowing what we know about human nature, and considering the effects that the increasing population of Muslims are having on America, we’d EXPECT episodes of “push back” and harassment of one sort or another to occur. This doesn’t mean that we should condone them, but merely that we’d expect them.
Now, the fact that aggrieved Muslims have, apparently, to fabricate victimhood stories tells us that true instances of “Islamophobia” in America must be exceedingly rare. If you think about it, this is really quite remarkable. Despite the Boston Marathon bombing, the Chattanooga shooting, the Fort Hood shooting, the San Bernardino shooting, the Orlando massacre, and the 911 attacks, Americans remain, by-in-large, peaceful and accepting toward Muslims. We truly ARE an amazingly tolerant society. Perhaps, some might say, a bit too tolerant.