More To Come November 30, 2016/ Uncategorized

Abdul Razak Ali Artan (the Ohio State University attacker) is now safely ensconced in Paradise. Although, as Attorney General Loretta Lynch famously said: “we may never know his motives” I think it’s quite clear that he was a warrior for Allah. Another jihadi that’s made his way to the Promised Land. (I wonder what number virgin he’s up to so far?). So with Artan in paradise, we now can all relax, right?

No, unfortunately, we can’t. There are thousands more like him. The threat is as strong today as it was a week ago. Accordingly, I’d like to make three points about this latest attack.

The first is that many Muslim “refugees” do not feel the incredible gratitude that past immigrant groups to our nation have ALL had. Mr. Artan (rhymes with “Arcan”, the first name of the Seattle mall shooter, by the way.) was a “refugee” from Somalia in 2007. We took him in! Was he grateful to the United States for doing so? Apparently not. In Islam it is the duty of the kaffir (infidels, namely us!) to support the Islamic Umma (Islamic Community). So, in their eyes, the United States is merely carrying out its DUTY to Muslims. As such, gratitude is not warranted. Nor is it given.

The second point to be made involves the choice of weapons used in jihadi attacks. Apparently, ANY weapon will do. Mr. Obama and the doting press corps usually, following a jihadi attack, use the issue of gun control to advance their agenda and to deflect attention from the true jihadi nature of the attack. How disappointed they must have been that the Ohio State weapons were a car and butcher knife! (Can’t ban those, can we?). The point is, that when a Muslim decides to wage “Holy War” everything is a potential weapon: guns, bombs, air planes, pressure cookers, knives, axes, gasoline, cars, trucks, poison, bacteria, stones. Anything!

The third point I want to make is to bring to light the clandestine complicity of NON jihadi Muslims. Mr. Artan’s Facebook page had numerous references to his plans. A direct quote: “By Allah, I will kill a billion infidels.” Now, I think it’s safe to assume that other Muslims have read Mr. Arcan’s posts. The posts make his intentions clear. Why didn’t any of them, being loyal Americans, notify the police? If you see something, say something, remember? Now, often in circumstances like this, Islamic apologists say that Muslims do not “tip off” the police due to fear of retribution. That excuse, unfortunately does NOT hold water in this case, because the “tip off” could have been made anonymously. The fact that no “tip offs” were called in is, I believe, indicative of something more sinister: sympathy for, or even, sometimes, complicity in the jihadi Holy War.

Considering all of the above, it’s time, America, to rethink our “Open Door” policy on Muslim Immigration. It’s time to close the door. If we do not, there will be, literally, “more to come.”

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  1. So glad you are continuing to write. Will be checking frequently to see our new and updated works. Miss you

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