>As hard as it is to comprehend, our cerebrally challenged news commentators are at it again. The media coverage of the jihad attack yesterday at Ohio State University was couched in the laughably soft language of uncertainty and caution. An Arabic man of Somali ancestry drove a vehicle into a crowd of defenseless college students and then jumped out and began chasing and stabbing students until he was shot dead by police. The perpetrator’s name? Abdul Razak Ali Artan. What did the news media have to say about this attack? Incredibly, they reported that “authorities were investigating a motive.” That’s it! They were INVESTIGATING A MOTIVE! How quaint! How positively non judgmental! It reminds me of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s preposterous statement after the jihadi carnage by Omar Mateen in Orlando, that “We may NEVER know what his motives were.”! And she made this statement AFTER she edited all references to Allah out of the released audio tapes!
>Now, back to the Ohio State attack: What did the honorable mayor of Columbus, Ohio, Andrew Ginther have to say about it? I quote: “It’s important…to resist the temptation to lash out in anger.” How positively enlightened!
>Well folks, it’s time to worry less about enlightenment and cautious judgements and “politically correct” doggrel. It’s time to focus on OUR citizens and their safety. We must be less concerned about appearances and tolerance and more concerned with our SURVIVAL. And by survival I mean not so much our survival in numbers (our enemies don’t, after all, have weapons of mass destruction, at least so far). I mean, rather, survival of our cherished way of life. That, dear readers, IS in significant jeopardy, and soon.
>I agree, of course, that there’s no room in our society for vigilante justice, violent revenge or an intemperate and indiscriminate response. We ARE above that, and must always be. But what we can do and MUST do is to stop more of these attacks from taking place. Since we can’t police and patrol and surveil every person in America at all times, we must stop, instead, giving our adversaries access to our open society. We must stop the migration of those who intend to harm us, of course. But, as it stands now, I’m afraid that we must go further. We must, ladies and gentlemen, also halt the tremendous influx of immigrants who may be moderate by nature, but who, by upbringing, religious teaching or cultural heritage might easily be swayed by the siren call of jihad (or, also, importantly, who have sons and daughters that might be swayed as well). Since there is no reliable way to vet migrants to this degree of scrutiny, it is, in my opinion, necessary to stop all immigration from the Mid East and its cultural equivalents elsewhere (in Africa, for example). Whether we like these measures or not, and whether we’re proud of them or not, we MUST protect ourselves. The SURVIVAL of our way of life depends upon it as does the safety of our populace. It is our first imperative. The legal mechanisms to do this are already in place (see my post “It’s On The Books” from 11/27/16 on the McCaran-Walter Act). And, we must stand fast until such time as signs of deep and genuine reform in Mid Eastern culture and faith are demonstrated, and until such time as their immigrants earn the PRIVILEGE to live, in peace, among us.