Who We Are
How many times have we heard it? Ten times? Twenty? Fifty? How many times have we heard the specious statement “It’s not who we are!” This proclamation was often spewed by that trickster-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama. (God, it’s going to be wonderful not to have to LISTEN to him, come January 20th!).
“It’s not who we are!” Again and again. And not just Obama, but Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, Donna Brazile and even Katy Perry(!). And a wide variety of “progressives”.
“It’s NOT who we are!” Over and over again. It’s been used as a kind of a counter measure against OUR reaction and opposition to any one of the many asinine policies, programs and postures promulgated by the liberal avant guard. In fact it’s often the ONLY argument that they CAN use to promote their misguided program. It’s also used to fight against measures that WE propose to safeguard our prosperity, our standard of living, our liberty and our way of life. When they can’t actually refute the value and necessity of one of our proposed policies, the progressives turn to their last line of defense: “It’s not who were are!”
Really? Well let me clarify something, Mr. and Ms. “progressive”: The American people, NOT you, will determine who we are and who we are not. In the absence of Mr. Obama’s reaffirmations from the “bully pulpit”, “progressive” missives will soon lose their legitimacy. The transition is already underway: you can tell that it’s underway by the increasing stridency and even hysteria of the current liberal protests and demonstrations.
So, “progressives” take note: You will no longer be able to bolster your dangerous and self defeating agenda by appealing to your skewed vision of “our” shared identity. Without your ringleader-in-chief, you will no longer be able to invoke a fantasized American identity to promote your sad narrative. You will no longer be able to cast aspersions of shame upon us, the resistance, for our insistence on SELF PRESERVATION. You will no longer be able to demean true Americans by claiming “higher” ground for your advocacy of stupid and even suicidal policies. You will no longer be able to characterize your opposition as “deplorables” and “irredeemables” for our affirmation of normative religious, sexual and economic values. You will no longer be able to surreptitiously hint that your opponents are uneducated, unsophisticated, backward or worse. Your jaundiced judgements will no longer bother us. In fact they will no longer be noticed by us.
Without Mr. Obama as your mouthpiece, WE will determine who we are. Not you. And America will be the better for it.